•YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timerEnglish
1 year agoI believe he is referring to the fact that YouTube don’t have to pay upfront for new content, they even get new content without hunting for it, and many smaller channels don’t have partnership and so on.
Sure they have a platform, backend and so on. But Netflix needs to have all that too plus buy things to show to their customers.
To expand on the container/vm idea, for someone that’s never done such a thing before, installing whatever OS u want (windows or other) in virtual box then setting the network get internet only from the vpn would be a very secure but not all that hard to do.
The easiest way for a beginner would however be to use a VPN that have its own software with built in kill switch, then you select whatever program you want killed if the vpn goes down, and it just exits that program. (If your paranoid research DNS leaks first)