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  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Nope! No security concerns!

    But, seriously, if one machine in the Wireguard network is compromised, attacks can be launched on any other machine in that Wireguard subnet. At that point, whether you’re running Wireguard or not is irrelevant.

    For your specific setup, the weak point is the VPS. Everything is good, but if someone successfully beaks into an account on your VPS with access to the Wireguard device (and almost nobody goes through the effort of constraining network devices by account, and of course there’s always root) they can launch attacks on any machine in the WG subnet.

    It’s a little better if you’re running containers and they’re secure, but even then there are security considerations with containers. Still, that’s about the best you’re going to get: anything listening to any external internet port is running in a container with no resource runtime, and those ideally each only have limited access to the ports in the WG subnet that they need. Eg, something like:

    In your diagram, your VPS is just a gateway. If the only way to log into the VPS is over WG; and if the reverse proxy is running in a locked-down container; then this is about a secure as you can make it and still allow public access.

    Or: if the only way your VPS is at all accessible is over WG – all clients have to be connected to it via VPN – then it’s reasonably secure as long as no client is compromised. Then your remote devices become the weak points.

  • Established monotheistic religions dogma nearly always has their god as a male. You find female gods in polytheism; Wicca recognizes a goddess who tends to be considered “the top god”, but it’s a polytheistic religion with deities of both sexes (modern Wiccaanism may have adopted genderless deities for inclusively, idk). I an aware of no major monotheistic religions that allow that god may have no gender.

    OP is speculating about “a” god, implying one of the monotheistic religions, and probably Christianity or Judaism - in both of which God is absolutely and unarguably defined as male. They’re religions defined by men, naturally with a man at top.

    If you’re going to throw out Jehova and Allah and all the other dogmatically male gods of popular monotheistic religions, why not just shit-can the whole absurd idea of religion instead of trying to twist it to yet another different silly religion?

  • I miss the old days, before you had to worry about spam.

    I’m not OP, and I have everything set up fine now; Mailcow would replace what I currently have with the same software components, so I don’t see any value there - for myself.

    Something like Maddy is completely at odds with the Unix philosophy, and yet I’ve fought enough with postfix to dislike it enough to want to try an all-in-one. I dread the DKIM setup, though; that took so much time, and the mail server configuration wasn’t the hard part. Maybe now I’ve got it configured for my domains, switching email server software will be easier.

  • Definitely Nephila. Golden Orb Weavers like this are common in the mid-Atlantic. We had one that looked exactly like this living in a boxwood bush in our front yard in Pennsylvania. Enormous, and beautiful.

    I’m betting OP is in North America, probably East coast.

    Huh. After looking at their other pics, it does look like they don’t live in the US. You may be right on the genus, but darned if that doesn’t look exactly like our lady.