My go to answer is to say that I don’t have a mobile phone. Actually, I have one, but it’s only for personal contacts, not for institutions. When a clerk asks me for my phone number, I answer: sure, give me your phone number, I’ll text you my contact.
Same for administrations and my employer: my boss has my phone numbers but not HR in my company.
The only institution that has my phone number is my bank, and i’m seriously considering using an alternate authentication method for 2FA at my bank.
If enough of us do that, it won’t happen.
While there is some truth in this, humans and AI do not make the same type of mistakes with hands.
Humans will rebuild the topological structure of the hand: 5 fingers protruding from a base, and get the proportions wrong…while the topology is credible.
AI will rebuild the image of a hand from the 2d appearance of a hand: a variable number of flesh colored, parallel stripes, and improvise from that.
While both can get it wrong, the errors are not similar.