Sooo… The author mentions that Manjaro fucked up, but I’m not sure what they’re referring to…?
I mean, like… To which Manjaro fuckup are they referring?
Open source nerd
Reddit refugee. Sync for Reddit is dead, all hail Sync for Lemmy!
Sooo… The author mentions that Manjaro fucked up, but I’m not sure what they’re referring to…?
I mean, like… To which Manjaro fuckup are they referring?
If it ships, Arch will have it immediately.
Providing something that is broken is very different from not providing it at all.
Memes by Freckle
**friction has entered the chat**
Exaaaactly this. If you can’t laugh at yourself and me while we’re naked doing fun things, idk how much fun you’re having, really.
This was the shit back in its hey day. It was a niche time where we could use it to punch through the school’s web filters that weren’t prepared for BYOD, because IT wasn’t prepared for little shits like me who could figure out a way onto their hidden network :D
For real, I can’t express how effective a well-placed "May I kiss you?” can be. For both parties.
Yup, but there’s only so much bandwidth you can push at that frequency, so simple text messages are fine, but get any more complicated, and you’ll need more bandwidth.
Also it’s not encrypted in the slightest bit. Nor is it unknown. Nor is it difficult to detect and decode it with widely-available equipment. I could listen to my local hospital’s pager tower with a $35 dongle from several miles away.
Yes, actually. Probably still using POCSAG, too. Many large hospitals and emergency response departments still use pagers for this kind of stuff.
Ahh, my bad. Saw Coke, and assumed it was one of their fancy touchscreen fountains. No idea, then.
Those things are running a web app in Chrome, so there’s plenty of blame for decisions that lead to performance hits to go around lol
Finally time to update manjarno.snorlax.sh again -_-
Oh my god, thank you so much for this. I have always had the hardest time finding these exact same requirements, and this is perfect. All metal construction and coexisting with keys has always been a priority for me, but it seems like everyone is inexplicably fine with copping out by just dangling their data on this flimsy little string tied to a brittle plastic case and I cannot understand it.
I’m not currently looking for one at this exact moment, but I will be returning here when I am. You’re doing the lord’s work out here!
There is a title he currently holds, and which deserves a higher rank by mere exclusivity’s sake…
Impeached Former President
To be fair, free broadcast tv and radio is still a thing, and they are an integral part of the US’s disaster alert system. With the right equipment (read: basic cheap radio available almost everywhere), you can still listen to weather information (both general and severe) directly from the horse’s mouth 24/7 for free.
In a disaster situation, these services will still stand because they require less infrastructure per person reached than is required to deliver high-speed internet to the same number of people.
These services still exist, and will continue to, but the knowledge of them has atrophyed from disuse. They won’t go away, they’ve just been replaced in general usage because of the convenience that the internet provides us.
TL;DR: Get you a weather radio, get free weather for the life of the equipment. Even if it’s not your daily driver, get one anyways, because you’ll be able to hear the most relevant info in the worst situation.
Yes, I’m on staff with Arch. I’m very aware of all of these. That’s like, one of my favorite pages to link to. The fact that I’m aware of these is the whole point of my comment.
I said: