Good to know. Thanks!
Incredible! I would test it out but I dont’ have an iPhone. I wish you luck in your app!
For me, it’s bioshock infinite. The reveal at the end of the game changes how you perceive everything that you just went through. No spoilers, but it’s absolutely wild and is one of the best stories I have ever seen in a game.
This isn’t exactly what you’re talking about, but the game A Blind Legend uses just sound!
First trying to kill off invidious, and then this? What a world.
YouTube Revanced is a savior
It’s undertale for me. What a magical soundtrack that is.
No way! Women play video games?!?! 🤯🤯🤯
Yep, I just deleted my reddit account. The sheer disrespect gosh. I’m glad to be here now lol.
Goodbye, infinity. It was good while it lasted. 🫡