Heard of edexui? but sadly they stopped development.
idk, just your average failure who hasn’t touched grass in a while.
Heard of edexui? but sadly they stopped development.
heard of cmatrix?
Why do you have the white bars on either side of the image?
Yeah, even their inktanks are unusable.
They have tho. Like, they have made it cheaper. And the new inktank models are economically efficient.
imho, the new printers are pretty good. Like ever since the companies stopped the inkjet fiasco and switched over to the inktank thing, its been really smooth.
My experience with the Epson ecotank is pretty good.
HP is the worst.
All programmers are secretly femboys.
Time to waterproof the Xbox.
And by that logic, mobiles were the creation of the devil, right? You wouldn’t throw away that.
Hey! Godot exists!
I just use btop. btop > f > program name > k > killed process.
Lack of humidity in the air is a big problem, but op does have a point. As a person living near the equator I’m surprised by how many people are intolerant to temperatures which I find comfortable.
fr, I didn’t know dat macros could be used to make nu programming languages.
There are countries other then the US.
Well you can’t call the code generated by chat gpt as YOURS.
Well good luck teaching your baby your actual name if your name is hard to pronounce.
Just wait until co pilot becomes common place