2nd Account, Original auf feddit

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2024


  • Another point valid for GPTs is getting started on ideas and things, sorting out mind messes, getting useful data out of large amounts of clusterfucks of text, getting a general direction.

    Current downsides are you cannot expect factual answers on topics it has no access to as it’ll hallucinate on these without telling you, many GPT provides use your data so you cannot directly ask it sensitive topics, it’ll forget datapoints if your conversation goes on too long.

    As for image generation, it’s still often stuck in the uncanny valley. Only animation topics benefit right now within the amateur realm. Cannot say how much GPTs are professionally used currently.

    All of these are things you could certainly do yourself and often better/faster than an AI. But sometimes you just need a good enough solution and that’s where GPTs shine more and more often. It’s just another form of automation - if used for repetitive/stupid tasks, it’s fine. Just don’t expect it to just build you a piece of fully working bug-free software just by asking it. That’s not how automation works. At least not to date.

  • Create a household account book. Either use existing solutions like apps, go the excel / sheets route (I did) or use pen&paper with a calculator to help you out.

    Learn how budgeting works in the first place. This step is REALLY important! I recreated my household account book two more times because I was an idiot who ignored learning the bare basics on money and accounting. There’s a reason it’s a profession with proper wordings and not some obsure hobby. Use youtube tutorials for that, as you will need several examples to understand budgeting in general.

    Once you’ve got that down, measure your income and expenses over a year. Estimate your last year by category and type of expense, write reoccuring yearly and monthly expenses down. Create a saving expense to build up a budget buffer. You WILL need a buffer for all the variations you inevitably will encounter throughout a year. Once you understand how much you spent monthly to stay alive, calculate how much you can spent freely (pocket money). Ideally, put that pocket money on a separate account with a separate card as access to it and “pay yourself” that pocket money. Your main account should be the houshold expenses account with strict rules on spendings. It’s also where all your income enters to finance it.

    If you’Ve reached this point, you will need to let it run for a couple of months to work out a lot of kinks in it. Food budget, mobility budgets, health budgets, etc. all need to be tuned to fit your needs. Whatever’s left goes to saving or pocket money. That’s up to you. Set yourself a minimal safety savings point that will keep you alive for half or a full year without (relevant) income. That’s enough buffer for most expenses you will encounter.

    So after all of this you should have a good understanding how much you spend on what. That’s when you dive deeper and look into each spending category, including food and rent (often the two major expenses). Cutting out or replacing certain type of foods or drinks with cheaper alternatives have huge impacts on your available money.

    The rest should slowly become obvious if you’ve educated yourself enough to reach this point. It’s all about learning and understanding, really.

  • Can confirm. That’s also why most appliances are surprisingly repairable today. You can just buy used appliances that aren’t working as long as it’s something minor like leaking or squeaking of a washer, no heating of a dryer, rumbling like crazy, etc. Inside you usually find many parts from Whirlpool and a few other components like Bosch Motors (which often enough do not actually fail). Those parts have numbers you can find for cheap online. Just get a proper(!) bitset with some generic tools and go watch Youtube repair videos. It’s too easy these days.

    Heck I even bought a completely dead machine where the description clearly matched a note online that a resistor and a single easy-to-solder chip for 2$ total need to be replaced. That repair worked for 5 years until I sold it for a better machine.

  • This. Go ahead and tell everyone that you are worried about your mother and would like to see her anytime and check on her for your own peace of mind. Post a clear, preferably large, sign up front that there’s an active camera in the room. But do not insist on it. That’ll tell you all you need to know about the staff very quickly.

    For the camera, use a regular old wifi-enabled baby monitor (App-controlled for best results) and connect it to a mobile Internet router. These routers have internal logs - learn how to access them, then check them (remotely, after setting up security in them) at intervals for suspicious reboot events.

  • waka@discuss.tchncs.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    If you carry a sharp screwdriver or stable hard knife around to puncture the battery rapidly, you may have something sort of resembling explosives, just very, VERY inefficient and unpredictably to set off. You’d be a lot better off using that screwdriver or knife instead to do whatever you’d wanna do with an exploding phone.

  • That was the worst part. You have this super-optimized build that you somehow managed to make work with an ungodly amount of personal time, effort, blood and tears. It will only work so long as the hardware survives and on this machine only, nowhere else. Any update can knock your build down, making you work on debugging anywhere from a few minutes to full-on weeks.

    So you have a system that works at best as well as any other system which you could get flying within an hour with only a few clicks in the installer.

    That’s it. That’s what you’ve worked for and need to continue working for.

  • I did Gentoo Stage 1 (which was very similiar to what you plan to do) in 2005 with a shitty laptop. 24 hours until I had a working shell compiled. A whole week until I had a graphical desktop working properly. Stupid me didn’t have enough and did it again in 2013 with better hardware within just 36 hours to the desktop.

    If you seek a challenge that leaves you with angelic patience once you’ve overcome the never ending rages you’ll encounter to push through to the end against all odds, lots of errors, bad documentation, dependencies from hell AND keeping it running, which will inevitably raise your patience muscles strength again and again, then yes, do it. Just accept that at some point, something will break inside you.

  • There is this IMHO very interesting solution from India that uses edible cutlery products. It’s basically a form of hard baked bread in the shape of knives, forks, spoons, plates, bowls, … . They keep hot and liquid food very well for quite some time, and the forks, knives and spoons remain solid enough to eat perfectly well with. Eventually, they will disintegrate on their own within a few weeks or so if you don’t eat them first. All this without the need to cover the surfaces with anything at all, and also made so cheaply that they come very close to most current disposable solutions.