A space biologist by training and a (Arch)Linux user by passion #ArchLinux #Linux #KISS #FOSS #terminal, #python https://www-gem.codeberg.page/

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2023


  • www-gem@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlBest TUI mail client?
    1 month ago

    I have gmail, exchange, and disroot accounts setup in neomutt. For gmail I had to generate an app specific password for neomutt because I use 2FA with gmail and neomutt doesn’t use Oauth2 as authentication method. Although, I was too lazy to try them, there are some options to use xoauth2. No surprise, exchange was the trickiest one to get working. I have to use Davmail for that. Behind an apparent complexity you just need your exchange email URL to get it running, and then you use the Davmail ports in neomutt.

  • www-gem@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlBest TUI mail client?
    1 month ago

    Neomutt (with notmuch) is not easy when starting from scratch. Luckily there are some configurations online that get you up and running quickly. It still requires some efforts to get use to it and configured to your detailed and specific needs. I put sweat to build mine but it worth every single drop.
    That being said that’s what makes its strength. It’s not an email client, it’s your email client. Once it’s configured, it’s good forever and using anything else feels like a pain.

  • I use rofi as my app launcher and more. I’ve share my old script here.

    I have now extended this script to support the following:

    • execute a command if the input text belongs to /bin or /usr/local/bin
    • do some basic maths (using menu-calc)
    • open url in my web browser if the input text starts starts with http(s) or ends with .xxx (where x is any letter)
    • translate the input text in English/French using the deepl website if the input text starts with dpen/dpfr
    • search the input text with searx (if all the above failed)
    • manage my web bookmarks (using buku)
    • manage my clipboard (using copyq)
    • manage my passwords and autofill fields (using pass)
    • manage bluetooth devices
    • manage audio sinks and sources
    • manage my wifi and vpn
    • manage my tmux sessions

  • www-gem@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlBest TUI Calendar?
    4 months ago

    Khal is also my app of choice for calendars, though it may not suit OP requirements since files are .ics Everything is kept in sync on my phone with Etar and DavX5.
    Note that khal itself is the CLI aspect. It’s interactive interface (ikhal) is really the TUI aspect of this app.

    ikhal is great to manage events but I prefer to use the command-line to create events. And this is the only minor complaint I have against khal: its lengthy commands and lack of user friendly dates support (like “today”, “next mon”…). Luckily all of that is easily fixable with a script which I should upload on my codeberg one day… I actually ended up adding edition and deletion support using (neo)vim and fzf so I don’t use ikhal anymore but only creating events is really faster and easier with my script compare to using ikhal.

  • Thanks for sharing.
    I was personally not motivated/good enough to write a new tool so I’ve wrote scripts to use rofi (easily adaptable to dmenu) as:

    • an app launcher
    • a clipboard manager
    • an infobar to show things like the date/time, memory usage, disk space, battery level, wifi signal…
    • an omnibar to perform an internet search, quick units conversions
    • a calculator for simple math
    • a bookmark manager (list, open, edit, add, remove)
    • a password/2FA token manager (list, edit, add, remove, autofill internet fields)
    • a wifi manager
    • a vpn manager

    I’ve explained the basis here if you’re curious. Even though I was bad at keeping my code up to date you may get some ideas to expand your program.

  • Using Ublock picker (not zapper) you can block/allow elements per domain and save/revert your choices. But overall, like I already said, I agree with you that umatrix offered a more granular and easy approach. It would be nice to see that implemented in Ublock. I nonetheless understand why it’s not the case since it would benefit only few users and may scared most of the others.

    Hopefully umatrix will work for you for a long time. For me it was not and that’s how I discovered Ublock and adapt to its “limitations”. On a daily basis it helps me browse the internet like umatrix did. It’s just sad that umatrix was not forked.

  • LibreWolf is indeed based on the hardened Firefox arkenfox user.js so you get its benefits which means a privacy-focused browser but Librewolf also comes with more settings pre-adjusted, telemetry removed, useless features removed…

    I’ve played with Firefox settings for years before Librewolf was created and it saves me so much time, ensure my browser stays up to date and functional, and is able to perform fingerprints test way better than any other many web browsers I’ve tried.