Who trains ChatGPT biases? Humans.
just another anarchist
Who trains ChatGPT biases? Humans.
Yeah, unless your computer is permanently hooked up to the TV, then it’s probably irrelevant. :)
I don’t know, perhaps I’m not getting the question.
It’s basically a streaming service with a library that you fill yourself. It doesn’t matter if you use a laptop, app or streaming dongle to watch the content. I’d say that it’s easier to watch content if you already own a dongle like a Chromecast though.
You pay for the amount of storage you want, then you select whatever torrents you want to download, either via a browser extension or services like chill.institute that look through common torrent search engines for you and give the opportunity to download instantly to your put.io account. You’re completely in charge of your library and put.io won’t show you anything you didn’t download yourself.
It’s basically a Torrent tracker as a service with a web interface to directly stream your torrents in your browser or to a Chromecast, Apple TV and whatever.
Around 2010 there was this “pledge” where a website people basically collected a list of things they’d require in order to stop pirating tv shows and movies and I think it came down to:
Provide easy access to large library Provide multi language support, must offer original language Allow downloads/offline viewing Be reasonably priced
Plus some additional stuff I can’t remember.
When Netflix got big, they basically covered it all. Then everyone wanted a piece of the pie.
Back to piracy then. 15$ for put.io ✨🙏
Not being forced to use Windows or having to hope that Ubuntu works, battery life, raw SoC performance, good keyboards (after they fixed the duds from 2016-2020), best trackpads in town, good quality apps, native Unix shell?
I was really looking into buying the Framework laptop but apart from that, everything seemed to be more or less crap (for my use cases) if you don’t want to deal with Thinkpads.
Definitely, I wouldn’t recommend macOS to anyone who already enjoys Ubuntu or other Linux distros.
Dead Internet Theory is a thing.
What a graceful statement from him. Damn. 😭
macOS over Ubuntu (don’t get me started on Windows). I use macOS on my MacBook Air and it’s just so well thought out. Ubuntu is decent but I wouldn’t want to use it for my daily work.
I love Obsidian and use it to manage my Markdown files and I’m in awe. Checked out Logseq as well but it didn’t work for me.
VS Code. As much as I hate Microsoft, this is great. I’ll likely look for a community-supported version without the creepy telemetry shit though.
Have you read any of it or did you just skim Wikipedia? I’m perfectly aware of people’s biases and that he’s likely to tend towards a pro-Russian spin. But after years of researching I can’t deny that a lot of his claims aren’t that unlikely.
I’m not here to convince you. OP asked, I answered.
From a Western perspective, you’ll have a hard time reading fringe criticism of the West without someone chanting “bUt tHiS iS RuSSian prOpAganDa” from the sides. The immediate shift in reporting about Ukrainian politics in Western media was so blatantly obvious propaganda and yet you come at me with this.
We’ve all been fed propaganda since the 40s, from all sides, in every country, the media is either heavily centralized or state-controlled, no journalist covering socialist/anarchist topics is likely to dig deeper into this (hell, they’re likely fighting for truth in smaller areas where they can actually move the needle, more power to them), we have almost no real journalists with reach and impact left, Assange has shown that investigative journalism is as good as dead, we’re being fed Ministry of Truth crap as “fact checks” and we’ve all been programmed with our go-to responses for dissenting voices. I’ve had my share of normie “Anarchists” coming at me only to debunk their BS as centrist garbage dressed in nice patches, shirts and rhetorics.
Have you debated a historian at a university about Fomenko (and they actually read it!) and hit them with facts until they had to admit that a lot of our history was under strict control of very few influential people of shady untrustworthy organisations and that there’s no irrefutable proof that certain documents, drawing and writings haven’t been either been manipulated or may be outright forgeries and that there’s a lot of trust involved in keeping it all together?
Just consider it a hobby interest of mine if it makes you sleep any better. If you read at least one of Fomenko’s books, let’s debate without resorting to boring “you’re basically Putin’s right hand” rhetoric.
Edit: To be clear, I’m not into genetics, I don’t care who belongs to which race, I don’t want to paddle to any nation state that their narrative about some race being superior is true. I can read scholars without having to adopt their entire world view.
Most of our historical narratives were invented by a few Western elites (nobility, priests, scholars) about 400-450 years ago.
(Basically Fomenko’s New chronology.)
In a better world I’d appreciate this. In our current capitalist hell scape, stuff like this will land in the wrong hands.
Nope, thanks.
Definitely, I didn’t mean to sound too defeatist.
Two things can be true at the same time:
I mean, just look at The Dimming and tell me that they’re all just stupid idiots who spent money and time on making a 2+ hour documentary, modifying planes to collect cloud samples, analyse and compare the results, etc? For what? Getting rich selling merchandise?
Sure, I’m open to all of them being quacks but I’d really like to have some conclusive counter-evidence.
Thanks so much attempting to bring at least some nuance into this discussion. But the cold hard truth is that no one really wants to know, because you’ll sleep a lot better if this is all just mumbojumbo.
Unfortunately though, here is a research paper straight from a US government server that basically describes how it works in theory, with the following title:
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
Scroll through the document. Read it. Then compare the technology to what’s being claimed about HAARP and other weather manipulation tech. I know there are insane people out there who’ll make the most insane claims but for every 100th nutjob there’s 1 person out there who actually read up on the stuff that’s available and often they’re a lot more hesitant on calling it all just a hoax.
Unfortunately the truth is that people don’t care. Just look at the rhetoric used in these comments. Why would scientists come forward and risk being doxxed, ratted out to their employer as a lunatic conspiracy nut, claiming that is might be possible, even if just in theory?
We had the mayor of Ankara in Turkey claiming that artificial earth quakes were used against Turkey way before 2023, though the USS Nitze docked in a Turkish port in the Black Sea just a couple of days before the February 6th earthquakes), right when Turkey was stalling for Sweden to join NATO. There’s videos out there of people filming bright blue-ish lights coming from a central source the night before the earthquakes happened.
The longest time I thought this was all bullshit but the more I dug into it, the less I was able to convince myself that this is all just made up nonsense from idiots on the Internet. I’m not on the “it’s all HAARP!!” train but come on, let’s keep the discussion a bit more civil?
It’s because they’re corrupt and young people are just as susceptible to lobbyists bribes, unfortunately. The gerontocracy doesn’t make things better though, that’s for sure.
Who said that? Ignore what he and Zuckerberg are taking about regarding this fake PR fight that’s never going to happen.
Of course everyone should be critical of what these people are doing but don’t jump through their deceptive hoops but actually do some digging into what they’re all up to, who they do deals with, who they meet outside of the public eye.
They’re not going to advertise the interesting shady stuff via their Twitter fights.
Come on, man.
Whenever I think of Fomenko (basically daily) I think of how fake everything about the Roman Empire is.