The way he holds the laptop is a sign of how he’s given up on life, society, and the world at large.
Why does that look like the longest handgun I have ever seen in my life? :-P
Programming socks and you’re good to go.
That laptop is a MacBook Pro, can it even run Arch in a usable fashion?
Asahi runs on M2, but it’s got terrible hardware support (nowhere close to Ahasi’s fault, Apple doesn’t provide drivers like Intel does).
Is there anything more Arch Linux User than a laptop that’s close to working right but still has weird stupid issues?
I feel like it needs more coffee and ibuprofen.
I use acetaminophen, am I doing it wrong?
Jokes on you, I’m wearing shorts and ankle socks. Admittedly, they’re sweatpant shorts. The monochrome t-shirt and dishevelled hair is quite accurate…
where did you get this picture of me and how did you know what OS I’m running (btw)
Im inside your walls
Lies! I almost never wear socks!
Oh… it’s me…
Ass dev