I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone do this IRL.
I’ve seen it, usually when its really hot, and always someone who is wearing make up to prevent smearing the makeup.
Guess that would make sense. They’re all wearing makeup in movies…
Has this person ever seen a sporting event? There are a million towels.
I think the question is about blotters rather than wipers.
EXACTLY! I’m surprised at how many are missing that detail…🤦♂️
So then this man is in your life huh? What did you say your name was?
His name, uh Borat!
As an especially persperous gentleman… Absolutely
If I try to use a gym without a towel I end up flicking sweat everywhere and nobody wants that
Gym and exercise. Stops salty sweat dripping in to my eyes.
Not as gently as I think you are talking about, but I definitely use a towel to dab my brow regularly in the summers. I live on Texas, and spend plenty of time outdoors working in a woodshop. I don’t like sweat dripping all over my workpieces.
I worked outside today in 90° heat and crazy humidity. I have a cloth handkerchief and I put it to heavy use.
But do you wipe or dab?
OP is noticing the way people in movies avoid wiping sweat because they don’t want to smear their makeup.
When I was in Japan in summer I have seen this. They even sell those towels in the 7-11
Sensitive skin gym dab gang rise up!
I’m a sweaty MFer, I gotta have my sweat towel especially during summer.
I also do 5k running and am working on running a 10K, my wife makes fun of me often 🙃
I do this. I don’t do it often, but I do the do.
I just use my shirt. I sweat a lot, so I need to wipe it away somehow.
I have done that with paper towels in public restrooms though.
It’s the mannered, gentle patting I’m specifically asking about. When I see it in films it just feels so phony.
It would look more phony if they swiped normally, and suddenly half their face was a different color.
Yeah, I feel like I do that with paper towels tho
Depends where. I do it on my face, because fuck extra irritation to my skin. Wife does the same with more delicate parts as well.
But, if im sweating enough to need to keep dabbing my face, I’m tying on a bandana (which I always have at least one of unless I’m in the shower).
In the gym, which is where I’d use an actual towel rather than something like a bandana to dab, I would still dab my shoulders because they’re too damn sensitive as well. I don’t go shirtless in public though, so I dunno if I’d just dab everything else as well out of habit, or if I’d wipe.
Honestly, my pale, partially irish ass doesn’t go shirtless outside at all; nut even in my own back yard, back when I would mow, I was prone to letting sweat do its job as long as it wasn’t getting in my eyes. At the gym, wiping down or blotting is an act of decency, not dripping everywhere. Sweat keeps you cooler if you let it stay and drip. Not by a ton, but it helps when you’re in the south.
But yeah, you just haven’t run into people with sensitive skin that were also sweaty.
I literally just saw someone do this in a zoom meeting today… might have been the first time I ever saw it
I keep a handkerchief on me and do this all the time.
A co worker does it.