The NYPD budget would make it something like the third largest military if compared to countries’ military budgets. The NYPD’s main purpose is to protect capital which, per “stop and frisk” and similarly racist policies, are intended to harass minority groups. If there is a safety issue where minutes matter, they are only hours away. If a shop window gets broken they’ll be there immediately.
The NYPD budget would make it something like the third largest military if compared to countries’ military budgets. The NYPD’s main purpose is to protect capital which, per “stop and frisk” and similarly racist policies, are intended to harass minority groups. If there is a safety issue where minutes matter, they are only hours away. If a shop window gets broken they’ll be there immediately.
Apparently the NYPD has a budget of $5.4 billion, with is a lot, but would be about place 40 compared to military budgets
The NYPD’s total budget is over $10 billion. They pull from other line items for things like buildings and benefits.
A PD placing… anywhere is evidence.