It blows my mind how upset people get about masking. During the two primary years of Covid where I isolated and masked religiously, I didn’t get sick once or even have allergies (despite visiting parks often).
Now companies have RTO and try to get everyone in on the same days so illness spreads like wildfire. People sitting right beside me hacking their lungs out.
It blows my mind how upset people get about masking
The pandemic is when I gave up on the notion that diehard conservatives had even a shred of intelligence or morals. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from them.
I used masks, got the vaccine and boosters, washed my hands religiously and so on. Still got sick. With something as transmissible as corona a lot of it is just luck, good or bad
Right, but that doesn’t mean your precautions were worthless. Even if you are eventually going to catch it, delaying the infection reduces how much it can spread and means fewer people get it at the same time (reducing the impact). Some of these precautions will also reduce the severity of the illness, which is a huge win for you personally! Of course none of these precautions are perfect, but they’re still helpful and limit the damage caused by the pandemic.
You’re probably already well aware of this, of course! I’ve just seen a bunch of people saying things like “well I did X and I still got sick, so we shouldn’t do X”, which I don’t think is the right conclusion for something that impacts the entire population. There’s billions of dice rolls in this equation, and you got some bad luck (I’m sorry you got sick :( ), but I think you still gave yourself better odds and improved the odds for everybody else as well, which is great!
I think we should do those things but just that doing all of the stuff isn’t a guarantee. It just betters your odds. I did all we were recommended and got hit with it, meanwhile a friend of mine did none of the recommended things (almost the opposite) and hasn’t got it so far. Lucy bastard.
I wear masks but I absolutely hate it. Maybe if you work from home you don’t notice, but wearing that thing for 9-10 hours can be a real pain. On top of that you miss a lot of a person’s face, I had to meet a lot of new people during that time and it was hard.
I’m not saying it’s enjoyable. It’s especially awful when it’s hot & humid, if you wear glasses, or when wearing for a long period of time. But when the alternative is increasing the chances of catching/spreading a dangerous virus… well there isn’t much of an argument against.
People do not want to be told what to do. They do not want to be inconvenienced.
Personally I hated wearing a mask. it was a huge pain in my ass, and mostly unnecessary most of the time except on public transit or in like a very crowded place like a grocery store.
In what non private residence enclosed places are you alone? I can’t think of any. Are you talking about hotels or… Because yea that would be ridiculous. But also, since you’re alone it’s not like anyone can enforce the mandate or even know you’re not following it.
In my case, it was a hackerspace. It has windows to the street, so if the police would have happened to go along the street and see that, they could have intervened.
There was one report in the newspapers where they fined a small card playing organization due to that, but of course they were a group of people.
Nice anecdotal story. I know many people that masked and still do and got multiple brands of vaccines and multiple boosters and still got sick multiple times. So which one of us is correct? Neither. There are far more variables that matter.
👐 You don’t understand, oh kaaay? 👐 This person knows many people who washed hand, very often, very clean, and they still got sick. Many people are saying that masks is a very bad thing 👐 and not at all a way to prevent China virus which is a Democratic hoax…instead we’re looking very hard at cleaning in the lungs 👐 isn’t that right doctor? 🫲
It blows my mind how upset people get about masking. During the two primary years of Covid where I isolated and masked religiously, I didn’t get sick once or even have allergies (despite visiting parks often).
Now companies have RTO and try to get everyone in on the same days so illness spreads like wildfire. People sitting right beside me hacking their lungs out.
The pandemic is when I gave up on the notion that diehard conservatives had even a shred of intelligence or morals. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from them.
I used masks, got the vaccine and boosters, washed my hands religiously and so on. Still got sick. With something as transmissible as corona a lot of it is just luck, good or bad
Right, but that doesn’t mean your precautions were worthless. Even if you are eventually going to catch it, delaying the infection reduces how much it can spread and means fewer people get it at the same time (reducing the impact). Some of these precautions will also reduce the severity of the illness, which is a huge win for you personally! Of course none of these precautions are perfect, but they’re still helpful and limit the damage caused by the pandemic.
You’re probably already well aware of this, of course! I’ve just seen a bunch of people saying things like “well I did X and I still got sick, so we shouldn’t do X”, which I don’t think is the right conclusion for something that impacts the entire population. There’s billions of dice rolls in this equation, and you got some bad luck (I’m sorry you got sick :( ), but I think you still gave yourself better odds and improved the odds for everybody else as well, which is great!
I think we should do those things but just that doing all of the stuff isn’t a guarantee. It just betters your odds. I did all we were recommended and got hit with it, meanwhile a friend of mine did none of the recommended things (almost the opposite) and hasn’t got it so far. Lucy bastard.
The mask helped against my allergies too!
It was a bit of a disappointed when I noticed the world wanted to kill me of allergies and a simple mask would help me out.
I wear masks but I absolutely hate it. Maybe if you work from home you don’t notice, but wearing that thing for 9-10 hours can be a real pain. On top of that you miss a lot of a person’s face, I had to meet a lot of new people during that time and it was hard.
I’m not saying it’s enjoyable. It’s especially awful when it’s hot & humid, if you wear glasses, or when wearing for a long period of time. But when the alternative is increasing the chances of catching/spreading a dangerous virus… well there isn’t much of an argument against.
It was easy before having a child. After having a kid it’s impossible.
People do not want to be told what to do. They do not want to be inconvenienced.
Personally I hated wearing a mask. it was a huge pain in my ass, and mostly unnecessary most of the time except on public transit or in like a very crowded place like a grocery store.
If wearing a mask is a pain in your ass then you’re wearing it wrong.
Depends, a lot of people talk out their ass. :P
Where exactly were you wearing a mask other than crowded public places? Nobody ever told you to wear it at home.
In my country, there was a mask mandate in all enclosed areas except private residences, even when you were the only person there.
In what non private residence enclosed places are you alone? I can’t think of any. Are you talking about hotels or… Because yea that would be ridiculous. But also, since you’re alone it’s not like anyone can enforce the mandate or even know you’re not following it.
In my case, it was a hackerspace. It has windows to the street, so if the police would have happened to go along the street and see that, they could have intervened.
There was one report in the newspapers where they fined a small card playing organization due to that, but of course they were a group of people.
Nice anecdotal story. I know many people that masked and still do and got multiple brands of vaccines and multiple boosters and still got sick multiple times. So which one of us is correct? Neither. There are far more variables that matter.
Do you not understand what “reduction” means?
Love when people follow up calling someone elses arguments anecdotal by providing their own anecdotal arguments.
👐 You don’t understand, oh kaaay? 👐 This person knows many people who washed hand, very often, very clean, and they still got sick. Many people are saying that masks is a very bad thing 👐 and not at all a way to prevent China virus which is a Democratic hoax…instead we’re looking very hard at cleaning in the lungs 👐 isn’t that right doctor? 🫲
Antivaxxers and antimaskers are a shitplague.
Spoiler alert, it’s the other guy, the one who was following the advice of medical professionals and reducing spread.
How sick did they get? Consider that people who get vaccinated aren’t just less likely to get it, they’re also less likely to have serious cases.