The world’s top chess federation has ruled that transgender women cannot compete in its official events for females until an assessment of gender change is made by its officials.
The world’s top chess federation has ruled that transgender women cannot compete in its official events for females until an assessment of gender change is made by its officials.
I think the highest rated woman is 2628, she wouldn’t even be in the top 100 which would require a rating of 2644.
With current rating, not a single women would have a chance to play in international tournaments, if there only was one league.
Anyone know what the highest rated trans male and trans female chess players are? Would be interesting to know if this rule is even currently necessary.
I can’t find any trans men ranked, but the highest rating I can find for a trans woman is Natalia Pares Vives with a ranking of 2213, or about 325th on the women’s rankings.
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So is your argument that women are inherently inferior at chess or…?
No, at least not in the sense that they are stupid.
Boys tend to be more interested in chess at a younger age, unless you start playing chess professionally at a very young age you are probably never going to a top 100 player.
It’s similar to why very few women become top tier in e-sport, they don’t typically have that interest at a very young age.
What you have just said is that there is a cultural difference and I agree with that. Dont confuse that with a difference based on sex, or physiology, in other words.
Obviously, men and women on a 1:1 basis have equal potential to excel at chess, based on their sex, right?
Women and men are in the same league, the league isn’t for just men, there just isn’t any women with high enough rating to be in the top 100.
There is a special league just for women where men can’t compete.
I can’t help you to understand the difference between cultural statistics and physiological potential I guess lol
What’s your suggestion? Abolish the women-only league?
Why would that be my suggestion. My suggestion is you lot need to learn how to fucking read statistics lol. I don’t give a fuck about chess, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that women are not worse at chess because they are women. The only thing the chess numbers prove is that men play chess at a professional/competitive level at much higher rates than women.
I understand statistics just fine. Fuck you for “you lot”.
I was asking you a question because I was genuinely curious, but you can fuck right off with that attidute.
You’re just virtue signalling without giving any suggestions on how to improve the situation.
Don’t bother replying, asshat.
You did see the numbers? I mean, what else do you need?
I weep for your (in)ability to interpret statistics.