Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.
I’m gonna come out swinging: not even a game, but two entire fucking genres:
Battle royales. I am like 90% convinced that gamers have been tricked by some dark psychology that has somehow convinced them that these games are worth playing. I don’t know whether it’s because the quality of FPS games has been so low for so long that today’s gamers have never really played a properly fun shooter or what. Battle royales are 75% downtime. You spend so long fucking around parachuting in to the map, walking around, collecting stuff, bla bla bla, interspersed by just a few moments of action, and when you get killed it usually doesn’t feel fair, it’s because a whole other team showed up right as you were already fighting someone else and put you in a nearly impossible situation.
MOBA games are just RTS games with the best bits taken out.
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I didn’t say that you’re wrong or lying at all! Like, MOBAs aren’t for me but otherwise I have no problems with them. But for Battle Royales, yeah, I said that I thought that they trick people, like they’re intentionally really manipulative. For example, loot boxes - they’re fun, but manipulative. Know what I mean?
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Battle royales seem to be specifically designed to exploit human psychology to maximise the amount of time that a person plays the game by having specifically timed dopamine releases and manipulating game matchmaking to keep players playing for longer than they would have otherwise. Have you ever felt yourself thinking “damn, I should stop playing, but I want a win first?” That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
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I’m glad you enjoy the game and I’m not trying to take that away from you, but I just have an “ick” for that genre, it feels abusive in a way I can’t really put my finger on. And yeah for sure I am overthinking it, this entire thread is an invitation to overthink video games ;p
I have a few:
Tunic: I thought it had more than one puzzle, with how it was being talked about online, but it ended up repeating the same thing for 6 hours reusing the same gimmick over and over - after a below average first half.
Xenoblade Chronicles (DE): the characters were really uninteresting, the story kept spoiling every attempted twist it had with needless foreshadowing and the combat felt really boring. The world was empty and it felt like a dead MMO.
13 Sentinels: I won’t spoil anything specific, but the story was just a bunch of the most generic sci-fi cliches.
Monster Hunter Rise: I love World/Iceborne and really enjoyed the parts I played of GU and 4U but Rise just felt bad to play.
Games that force daily tasks/gacha games: I hate being forced - or even just being hinted at having - to grind daily. It just ends up pushing me away from the game, even if I’m enjoying it. I can’t play games like Genshin Impact and Star Rail, but also the daily challenges in sf5/6 bother me every time I see them.
I also don’t really get roguelikes, but I’m not sure if I just haven’t found one I enjoy or I don’t like the genre.
XC2 is a lot better than XCDE, XCDE really suffers from the era it came out of. XC2 was when Monolith really got their stride.
I might consider it in that case, if I ever find it on sale.
Altho I’ve seen a bunch of people complain about XC2’s story, but they usually say that XC’s was better - so I’m not sure what to think.
Honestly, Armored Core VI. Endgame spoilers below (idk if there’s a way to do spoiler tags?).
The final boss is absolutely godawful. Just utter garbage. It took me hours, and I hated it from my first attempt. It’s categorically different from anything else in the game, and there’s never a point where it’s fun. Probably 20% of my total playtime was on this one boss. I was absolutely loving the game up until then, but that one boss is so unbelievably poorly designed that it ruined the entire game for me. It’s genuinely impressively horrible.
(ending spoilers for Armored Core VI)
Doesn’t the game have multiple endings, each with it’s own boss fight?
My friend and I both got different endings on our first play throughs, and now we’re in NG+ trying to figure out where we diverged.
(Spoilers continue)
I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s just a couple missions before the end. You have a choice to either fight Cinder Carla (siding with Ayre) or to fight the corps (siding with Carla). I sided with Carla, which made Ayre the final boss, and the fight was godawful. My understanding is that there are maybe more endings with NG+, but I’m trying to muster up the will to bother even turning the game on again after how atrocious the Ayre fight was.
fyi to you and, lemmy has inbuilt spoiler markup. it’s:
::: spoiler spoiler [text] ___ :::
so for example
No Man’s Sky. (boring Sandbox exploration without a soul and very unfun crafting)
If I like exploring and mining, will I like it?
One thing that really gets me with that game is that every single planet has only one biome. There are no poles, no jungles, no deserts; it’s just one environment pasted over the entire planet and that feels weirdly wrong and is kind of boring.
Before I say this I do admit I am in the wrong, and that an overwhelming majority of people love this game, and I understand that on an objective level it was both ground breaking and excellent.
I cannot, for the life of me, enjoy breath of the wild due to weapons breaking. I played maybe 5 hours? I got excited when I found a cool sword, and then proceeded to never use it because I was afraid to “waste” it. (and repeat that with new weapons, to save which I have to go find some little seed people to have more inventory slots?)
I understand that they want me to try new things, but for me, for some reason, it just wasn’t fun. I want to be excited when I find new loot, not anxious. Maybe it’s because I grew up with Diablo-like games, where accumulating loot was the fun part, but I can’t seem to enjoy it when the game takes toys away from me.
I loved BOTW as a generic open world adventure game. It was probably the worst “Zelda” entry outside of the CD-i games though.
I just pretend that it wasn’t one at all.
The weapons breaking thing along with incredibly repetitive and boring enemies made me avoid all fights not absolutely necessary.
The boss fights - few and far between though they were - were good.I had hoped that the new one would fix all of the previous one’s issues but as people like us are in the minority it seems that they kept the formula the same. I’m not sure if I’ll even play it.
They did address it in the new one.
Now weapons are all (mostly) shitty, but you can accumulate up to 999 each of powerful attachments to your weapons. If your powerful silver bokoblin sword broke, find another shitty weapon and attach one of the silver bokoblin horns to it that you have. Attaching also makes the durability significantly higher.
Thank you for sharing… but this doesn’t inspire confidence.
Better? Maybe. Good? Not really.
I’m sure I’ll eventually make my way to it, but I’m in no hurry to play it.
Maybe when the Switch 2 comes out?!Maybe I didn’t explain it properly. I did hate the BOTW system but really enjoy the new one. You still feel like you need to switch your tactics up regularly but you don’t need to go hunting for good weapons anymore.
Well that sounds a lot better!
Terraria, it’s a hot take I think but I just dislike it so much.
I dislike the controls, the appearance, the sorta jank, I just find it to be a more boring Minecraft and Minecraft can already be boring. I don’t understand the love for it and I think it ruined a friendship with a group that really only wanted to play that and league of legends
I don’t dislike Terraria per se, and I highly respect the dedication of both the devs and the community to it.
However, each time I try getting into it, I would make a basic house, spelunk a cave… and then forget about the game for a while. I don’t know why, but I just have trouble with games where you have to set your own goals
Yeah I had no concept of what to do in Terraria.
I am fine with games not telling me what to do cause I love Tunic and Outer Wilds but also there is still a somewhat obvious somewhat linear story available if you want it. The “do it yourself sandbox” games struggle to draw me in fast enough for me to not get bored and confused of learning an entire games worth of mechanics and optimization for no payoff before I put it down. And never pick it back up.
The one I still remember is Donkey Kong 64. Just a boring collectathon with too much retreading. And it missed the funny writing of previous Rare platformers. Also it had a cringe rap song like every piece of pop media had in the late 90’s even my eleven year old self hated it.
I loved Rare games before that. After that game I stopped buying any Rare games. Probably because Dk64 was the first game I bought with my own money that I saved for a long time. I didn’t even buy Perfect Dark
This game came out pre-Twitter, so I’ve been surprised to see how many people hated this game. I’ve revisited it several times since childhood and still enjoy it quite a bit. The different Kong stuff made it feel somewhat like a metroidvania.