YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star::YouTube has blocked Russell Brand from making money off its platform and the BBC pulled some of his shows from its online streaming service in the wake of rape and sexual assault allegations against the comedian-turned-influencer.
Since when did innocent until proven guilty stop being a thing? Not defending anyone here, just seems that principle is all but forgotten in modern society.
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What happened to Al Franken three weeks after Leeann Tweeden, a conservative talk-radio host, accused him?
We absolutely need to investigate claims and make sure due process is not an up hill battle. At least 63% of rapes are not reported. Yet there needs to be due process. Due process is different from a private company deciding not to do business with you or pay you while due process is under way, so I’m not surprised by YouTube taking this action.
It’s simple, any pictures of politicians we love like that are wild, goofy, alt-right conspiracy theories. We have 95% of news organizations already repeating the same stories as each other. When 95% all say it’s a conspiracy, it is. Don’t believe those other fringe rags.
That’s only a legal principle - he’s not in jail, is he? Individuals and organizations can do whatever they want. It has nothing to do with modern society.
Punishing people based on accusations isn’t just.
Fuck it, I’ll bite. Let’s fight in the bailey:
It is when it’s rape and you’re a right wing creep who has been known for decades to be a creep.
We don’t live in your nightmare world anymore where rapists can exploit the principles of the old empire to get away with subjugating everyone else.
Innocent until proven guilty is an anachronistic idea that is way past its time. We accept credible accusations from rape victims as evidence now because we are no longer primitive sexists who assume women are lying about everything. We have video now. A lot of rape cases don’t actually need trials because the dumb fuck rapists record themselves doing it and put the videos on Facebook. Rapists are rarely ever arrested or charged despite overwhelming evidence because of sexism. The founding principles of the Constitition themselves are outdated, increasingly irrelevant, and do not reflect the reality of today’s world with today’s values.
The statistical nature of rape means the fact this guy’s being cancelled and more importantly charged over it means he’s guilty. The odds are too low for him not to be.
So we trust the accusations, and unless evidence comes out proving them false, you don’t have shit to say.
Now go ahead and waste everyone’s time debating the value of innocent until proven guilty, I’ll play along, fuck it.
Since when are corporations actions based on justice?
Is this him being punished or YouTube protecting it’s brand?
No, punishment by the state based on accusations isn’t just.
He should be able to sue youtube for a nice settlement (if he is in the right), maybe? Idealistically, that should keep such bullshit in check.
But then again, youtube probably has “Youtube reserves the right to do fucking anything to you” in its TOS that everybody just skips.
He should be able to sue youtube for a nice settlement (if he is in the right), maybe? Idealistically, that should keep such bullshit in check.
But then again, youtube probably has “Youtube reserves the right to do fucking anything to you” in its TOS that everybody just skips.
Then he’ll sue
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Youtube cutting off their monetisation is not the same as putting the person in jail.
I didn’t say it was?
You did though. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept, not a business concept. Businesses are allowed to choose who to do business with.
Because cutting off monetisation has nothing to do with being proven guilty or not.
That’s the only context innocent until proven guilty ever existed, so yeah, you actually kind of did
Then why are you framing your post like it was? If you get accused of raping a woman and you’re going on live TV wearing your employee uniform defending yourself, your employer is firing you 10 out of 10 times.
Yes you did
You’re literally quoting a law that is used in court about penalties and it’s still up there. You forgot to delete before saying you didn’t say it. You’re both lazy and stupid.
It’s not the legal system, it’s a heartless corporation trying to maximize their revenue. Capitalizing on the situation.
That’s for criminal liability to attach. Not public opinion.
You do realize that innocent until proven guilty only applies with the government, right? Normal people and companies do not have to extend the same luxury. Hell our military doesn’t even give that luxury.
It applies to morally sound people as well as in law.
I’ve been accused and then shunned after some valuables went missing at a house party.
I was the only minority. Nobody dared to stand up for me and everybody just pointed fingers to the weakest individual.
Branded as a thief despite my life long upstanding morality, career, ethics.