Scientists Are Researching a Device That Can Induce Lucid Dreams on Demand::The startup behind Halo is aiming for a future where a wearable headband can give people the experience of awakening in a lucid dream.
No thanks. I like sleeping while I’m sleeping. You introduce controlled lucid dreaming and soon enough I’ll have a second job at dream McDonalds to pay for my dream space underwear.
“They come here every day to sleep?” “No, they come to be woken up.”
Countdown to ads in your dreams… Is there a Futurama episode that has that?
If anyone is interested, you can train yourself to dream lucidly. There’s a bunch of techniques, but they are mostly pretty similar. What worked for me:
Make a habit of (lightly) pinching your nostrils closed, and attempting to breath in through them. Do this whenever you think of it throughout the day. Might take a few weeks before you are consistently doing this habit. If you do it and find that you are able to take a breath, you are dreaming!
The other part is at bed time. While laying in bed, focus on your sense of touch for 10 full breaths, then your sense of hearing for 10 full breaths, then the same for your other senses. Repeat until you fall asleep. This is intended to keep your mind focused on your body as you transition into the dream state.
The best time for actually lucid dreaming is if/when you wake up very early in the morning, and then go back to sleep.
Overall, this is a pretty fucking cool thing that you can do, for free, and you can train yourself to do it regularly. Do whatever you want-- sex, talk with dead loved ones, fly, practice dreaded interactions…
Inception timeline
Sounds like a Black Mirror episode.
Here we come!
What is not known, yet, is whether TUS can induce or stabilize lucid dreams
Good luck. What’s the eventual purpose though?
Creating batteries for the machines.
Sex dreams you can control
Recreation? Not everything strictly needs practical purposes. I’d certainly buy one if it’s affordable. Though it might have medical or therapeutic use.
Treatment of persistent nightmares as part of psychotherapy? If they can get this thing certified as a medical device they can jack up the price by 500% no problem.
Damn that’d be nice. I’ve only had one lucid dream but every time I’ve tried to get one again I’ve landed myself in sleep paralysis.
Sleep apnea is the general cause of sleep paralysis. It’s good idea to check if you happen to have a chance. :)
I think they’re referring to staying conscious and meditating towards sleep to keep lucidity during the transition. It’s a technique.
Yes, and the fact that they keep finding sleep paralysis instead of a lucid dream is a little concerning, so this person is recommending they talk to a professional about it.
Why would Bungie do this
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
I’d prefer a drug that can do same, reliably
Inception, here we come baby