This looks shopped.
I can tell by the pixels and by having seen quite a few shops in my days.
Of course it’s been shopped.
Do you really think it came from the dealer this way?
Do you really think the dealer came from it this way?
Mine came from the dealer that way.
The dealer got off his ass and came that way
Was there ever a question that this image is altered? I assumed the point was to make fun of these morons who plaster this stuff all over their vehicles, not think it’s actually real.
Step aside girls, the FEMBOYS are back
Finally a car designed with my needs in mind.
It’s the #pissinmyass, isn’t it?
Mark bonanno’s car
Where can I get these stickers?
My bosses car is due for a makeover.
Apparently you gotta start jacking it on this guy’s bumper.
A true patriot