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Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let’s get you started.
This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links.
For your first day here
Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let’s not overwhelm you for now.
This very neat starting guide was written by our beloved admin, @ruud. To avoid confusion, start reading it from the Quick start guide section.
If you’re new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.
kbin users can check out this amazing starting guide instead. This is also a nice guide.
Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin
If you finished reading your starting guide, it’s time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services:
1, 2, 3, and 4, and 5! Go have some fun! :DFor your second day here
Hello again! You’re less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn’t forget to read the rules for!’s rules are in this link.
The Fediverse
You must’ve realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways?
Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse.
What is the Fediverse? video by Framasoft to get a good understanding with visuals!
As a great lemming once said: Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites. This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time.
Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.
Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer. It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show any Fediverse platform you’d like.
For your third day here
That’s it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)
Fediverse is such a great idea.
If you’re annoyed with posts all over the internet (and for now, until Lemmy gets that feature, also within Lemmy) going to different instances and not your home instance, then I have something for you :) I made this userscript (Lemmy post), which rewrites all links everywhere to always point to your home instance, so you don’t need to mess with copy/pasting URLs anywhere and so on :)
Do you think this sort of script could be integrated within apps to get automatics redirection to communities so that they open directly in the app rather than redirecting to the original instance and opening in browser?
Of course :) I only know of Android, but it supports opening certain links in-app. The problem is that I think you have to actually register each domain separately, and Lemmy can have hundreds and they’re pretty dynamic. I don’t know how easy it is to dynamically register smaller instances and how to get them into this list of domains. No idea about Android really.
Fair dues.
Hello (:
hi! :)
Love it! What a great guide to welcome the newbies
Hey, @AvaddonLFC
Don’t forget to subscribe to !
As the Fediverse expands, the best content may become dispersed. This community will collect the most insightful posts and comments found on the Fediverse! We already have a healthy base and collection of best posts on the Fediverse.
Happy browsing!
This link doesn’t work for me on
I’m still somewhat New to lemmy and kbin, and idk if it’s just me but I have issues when trying to view other instances from lemmy via kbin, the instances show they have a decent amount of subscribers but when viewing the post history it says there is 0
If you’re coming from kbin that link might not work. Try this @BestOf or this
MVP! Thank you @dipbeneaththelasers.
I’m pretty new here still, but I’m figuring things out and I like it.
The one thing I can not figure out is “boost” can someone explain it to me?Boost is Mastodon’s version of Twitter’s retweets. It acts as the upvote here, but that’s an oversight and going to be changed.
Not sure what boost actually does on kbin other than acting as an upvote though, I just use it as an equivalent to saving a post on Reddit. Maybe it’s connected to follows.
It was way back at the beginning when @ernest made the change to make upvotes on kbin more closely aligned to Lemmy, but boosts also bump a thread to the top of the Active list and give it some number of points for it’s score in the Hot list.
It does also affect reputation, but ignore that. It’s broken, doesn’t really affect anything, and Ernest has a lot of other important things to fix/implement before tackling that one.
Like a retweet. People that follow you will see what you boost on their feed.
You can subscribe to magazines/communities but and follow users.
Also, upvotes (on kbin) are favorites. And any upvote/downvote will show you did it and federate to other instances. For example go to “more | activity” on your comment and select “favourites” to see what I mean
Good guide. This should help a lot of newcomers make the transition over to Lemmy
Looking forward to this!