So I’ve been using Rustdesk with a self hosted server for business and personal use now for some time. However, it is definitely the sketchiest foss software I’ve used. It seems to be based in China but the developers keep lying and saying its in Singapore.
Here is a list if everything I’ve found:
It seems that now the clients and OSS server are completely foss which is good. They also no longer have public servers in China according to them. In the client itself it also now has better defaults so you are less at risk of getting attacked.
It still is sketch but it now is slightly less sketch I guess? Either way its not ideal.
Is it really impossible to critisize a leftist even the slightest bit without them flying completely off the handle? I only critisized your wording.
So now I got labelled leftist? That’s very presumptuous of you, don’t you think? You know there are more shades of gray and in normal democracies we have more than two political parties. But nice of you trying to generalise my whole personality, based on a couple of sentences, written in a social platform.
And for the record, English isn’t my native language. And surprisingly there are other reasonable human beings living outside the US (surprise, surprise) who might have slightly different world views from you. The world doesn’t revolve around the US, no matter what your politicians are telling you.
Literally only leftists repond with 5x as much text as whatever you said to them
It’s like I’m psychicly DDOSing you
I can only feel sorry for you and would strongly recommend you to seek some specialised help.
You really nailed the proportional response this time. It’s crazy that this started with me criticizing your wording, and now it ends with you saying I need “specialized help” like you have any authority on the matter at all. What can I say? My ability to pick out dishonest, manipulative, snake-like people remains on point.