Audiences attending the SXSW premiere of “The Fall Guy,” starring Ryan Gosling, were not happy about having to watch a sizzle reel before the movie that touted the promises of AI.
Audiences attending the SXSW premiere of “The Fall Guy,” starring Ryan Gosling, were not happy about having to watch a sizzle reel before the movie that touted the promises of AI.
The fuck is a “sizzle reel”. I mean, I get what it probably is from context, but who comes up with this shit
I am generally confused as to how you’ve never heard the term before and are just assuming it’s a new phrase.
Da fug is a sizzle reel. Sounds like a term 1st graders came up with…
Marketing and executive work shares many similarities with being in first grade. Flashy colors and stupid slogans go pretty far when the target has a child’s brain.
I’m dying. 🤣
The target being the executives who will approve the marketer’s work.
It’s actually Sizzler Eel, it’s my pet fish.
A short video normally no longer than 3 minutes designed to show off a product, usually in the form of a montage.
It’s an old term so I can’t imagine how you could live your life and not hear the term.
There’s no need to be a dick about it, just because you know a something doesn’t mean everyone else must also know it. I can guarantee there’s common terms you aren’t familiar with. Especially when you consider that this is marketing jargon with common alternate terms (eg demo reel).
Yup, I’ve been in the workforce for quite a while and I don’t think I’ve heard the term before. I generally avoid marketing types and try to avoid new product launches because I don’t like all the BS the marketing departments come up with to try to sell me on their half-baked crap (I usually wait for independent reviews).
So if I’ve heard it, I’ve tuned it out. I’ve heard of “demo reel” (i.e. when trying to get sponsored as a skateboarder or whatever) and “show reel” feels familiar, but not “sizzle reel.”
In my line of work (software development), video is rarely the desired format for anything, and certainly not as a demonstration of skills. We largely work in text, and if you asked me to make a demo reel of something, I’d have to spend some amount of time looking up how to do that (I haven’t edited a video in decades, aside from short screencaps). If I ever need to do that on the regular, I know it’s time to retire or find a new job…
If people are going to be dicks about not knowing the term I’m going to be a dick about knowing the term.
how were they being a dick? I’ve never heard of it either, your weird gatekeeping over a fucking marketing term is very strange
If you don’t know a term you look it up or you ask. Like you should probably do for “gatekeeping”
You don’t turn around and go. “who made this term a five year old, oh wait executives are five year olds”.
That’s being a dick because they are proudly showing off their ignorance and colossal ego.
man go have a snickers and go outside. cool off
When and in which context would I have heard this?
Any time a product is being shown off.
Fucking anything. Apple showing off its new iPhone features, a studio showing clips from its upcoming shows, and an actor showcasing their previous work.
Understand that many people live their entire lives without caring one tiny bit about any of those things.
Which is why I said it can be anything.
I’ve seen such things (though not Apple presentations) and don’t recall ever hearing the term sizzle reel.
I ignore all of that crap. When Apple or wherever makes a new thing, I read about it in text and maybe watch a YouTube video with highlights. I don’t care about upcoming movies or shows, I care about what exists and what reviewers have to say about it.
I’ve helped a friend make a skateboarding demo reel (he called it a demo tape) to try to get sponsored, but that’s about it. I’m guessing this is a name for the same type of thing?
At work, I deal mostly in text, and if we have to watch a video about some upcoming initiative, I’ll either skip the meeting or get work done with the audio in the background, because I know it’s a waste of time. I’ve never cared to know what the marketing dept calls those videos, they never have anything valuable in them.
Elitists who make money from nothing or off the backs of others also invent catchy phrases to glorify and sanitize their worthless activities.
I’ve heard of it before and I don’t work in advertising or video production. Why is everyone focusing on this term like these guys invented it?
Super common in my industry, which is corporate events, not show biz
My favorite example is when we had to put ads in the whitespace around the site center. In webdev we called it the ‘gutter,’ the ad team calls it the ‘wings.’ Wings is more positive. The WebComponent for them is literally called <SideGutter> you fucknuggets
Yeah, reading that phrase already has me a bit pissed off. Gonna cooldown before watching the conference itself 😂
Move over bacon. Now there’s something meatier!
I’m hungry now.
I’ve heard it before, i thought the context was for a specific product, or like a video resume for visual artists… not a video to be shown to the public at a conference
Its kinda like when they bring out fajitas at a restaurant on one of those fake ass skillets that was just resting under a broiler and they add water or soy sauce + oil to make it sizzle, to sell it to others.
Now that’s an explanation I can get behind. Also, I now want fajitas.
You read my mind 👏