Unfortunately yes. This story by NPR isn’t an academic source but it’s definitely worth listening to. On average bug populations have declined by 20% or more in some areas, less in others. It’s an average.
Now truthful, whether or not a declining bug population is the main cause of fewer bugs on our windshields or if it’s better aerodynamics I don’t know. What I do know is a more aerodynamic vehicle isn’t something I need to worry about, a declining bug population is.
fluid dynamics simulated on computers helped air-bending, that’s cool. i knew about the bees disappearing, but bugs in general too?
Unfortunately yes. This story by NPR isn’t an academic source but it’s definitely worth listening to. On average bug populations have declined by 20% or more in some areas, less in others. It’s an average.
Now truthful, whether or not a declining bug population is the main cause of fewer bugs on our windshields or if it’s better aerodynamics I don’t know. What I do know is a more aerodynamic vehicle isn’t something I need to worry about, a declining bug population is.
we need our bugs! although I was never convinced in that all insectizoid parasites are necessary, like any that affect Me, or Me-Kind
Bees are just cute. Its insects in general, and all are important. I mean insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are there for a reason.
Our soil is completely dead often, without animals, fungi and herbs. And so is the ecosystem