Read: unanimous. This wasn’t the wisest decision by the various states anyway. You impeach them, they’ll try to impeach you. You take their candidate off your ballot in your state, they’ll take yours off theirs, etc… Let the people decide who they want to vote for.
It’s kind of incredible to me that the democrats are unable to find a candidate that’s more likeable than Trump, and their whole strategy appears to be to try and use lawfare to get Trump disqualified. This is banana republic type shit.
You’re the guy daily posting Russian propaganda? Maybe the Democrats should poison him, that’d make America real country?
Shhhhh, let Yugio have this, it’s thier whole personality and if you take it away they have nothing to look forward to.
Ah yes, all that Russian propaganda as reported by mainstream western media. Seems like living in deranged fantasies is the whole personality for lemmy libs, so wouldn’t want to take that away from y’all.
So edgy.
I love how personal attacks is all you trolls have. Can’t actually make any points of your own, the facts aren’t on your side. So all you’ve got is running around yelling at people. It’s hilarious that y’all don’t see just how utterly pathetic that is.
You haven’t shown once how this is a bad supreme court ruling, all you’ve done is tried to shit talk Biden. Which is entirely not the point of this article. So. Please enlighten the rest of us who the troll is?
Is Russian propaganda in the room with you right now? 😂
You could also ask why the Republicans can’t find a candidate who isn’t being federally prosecuted for multiple crimes including attempted insurrection, one would think that would improve their chances of winning an election.
And what do you mean “their whole strategy”? The attempts to remove Trump from the ballot are based completely on his part in the attempted insurrection. This wasn’t brought by the DNC, but rather by voters in each of the states who are sick of his shit. It’s not like Trump has a chance of winning anything in Colorado anyway. Biden is going to get nominated again simply because everyone always renominates the sitting President. Why did the RNC nominate Trump again in 2020 when it was already known that he was the worst president in history? By your logic I guess that means they couldn’t find a better candidate either?
I love how libs can only frame any response in terms of “but republicans are bad too!”. Nobody is talking about Trump here. It’s your candidate that’s an utter train wreck, and the fact that your party isn’t able to put up anybody who can even compete with a sleazeball like Trump who is being federally prosecuted is the what’s being discussed here.
Seems to me that it should be really easy to put up a candidate that would beat a guy who’s being prosecuted, and yet the best your glorious party can put up is Genocide Joe. 🤡
It’s just “republicans are bad”… full stop. But ok let’s see here, you seem to think Biden is so bad and yet he’s pulled us out of the economic slump that Trump created, boosted the job market, and is not actively working against the common people’s income and health care options. In fact the only thing Biden has done wrong is in his support of Israel, but you won’t find a candidate on either side who is willing to speak out against them. Of course Trump HAS spoken against them at times, and then sided completely with them during his presidency, and now that he spots an opening he’s making promises of ending support for them once again. He simply doesn’t stick with any promises he makes so you can’t really say Trump is any better in that respect.
If people wanted one of the other candidates then they would vote for them in the ongoing primaries. You act like Biden is doing such a horrible job and yet he’s still getting the votes. Maybe the real problem is your comrades in Russia don’t like him and so you’re just trying to convince us that he’s bad so Trump can get the vote and become all buddy-buddy with dictator Putin again. If all you have are complaints then why aren’t you running for the position? Show everyone how “easy” the job is.
Yet, despite republicans being bad, democrats are unable to field a candidate that can actually defeat the republicans. Amazing that y’all haven’t figured out that simply screeching republicans are bad isn’t a political platform.
In fact, supporting genocide in Israel is far from the only thing Biden has done wrong. Biden mirroring Trump’s covid response was wrong, continuing running immigrant concentration camps was wrong, failing to protect abortion rights was wrong, failing to cancel student debt was wrong, and the whole economic policy Biden has pursued over the past three years was fundamentally wrong
Meanwhile, what are the other candidates that people get to vote for in the primaries? There aren’t any actual candidates. The party has decided that Biden is going to be the candidate, just the same as the party decided in the last election.
Maybe the real problem is that you’re not engaging with reality while bleating about Russia. I don’t even live in your country. I’m just watching it tear itself apart as an outside observer.
It’s hilarious how libs have memorized the script on how to just derail every discussion into raging about Trump. Zero ability to do any self reflection or self criticism. Y’all getting exactly what you deserve.
Damn, there’s a script? Why didn’t anyone tell me about that?
Meanwhile, it’s funny that you think Biden can’t defeat Trump when in fact he has already did it once, and that was before Trump went off the deep end. It’s also interesting that you seem to be supporting the party that caused our country to start tearing itself apart. I guess you’re just one of those people who wants to see the world burn. But go ahead and keep pretending like I’m the one who isn’t facing reality.
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump…
The dope who posts this shit ain’t even American gets all his info from the internet lol.
Of course the Supreme Court is going to rule this, the precedent set is not a good one. Trump hasn’t been charged with anything why would he be removed for accusations?
Meanwhile this poster will act like Xi and Putin and Kim rule their countries with legitimacy
thank you for providing a great example of using whataboutism
Watch as he desperately reaches for straws!
Seems like you’re describing your own debate strategy here.
The supreme court ruled as they should’ve because innocent until proven guilty and it sets a bad precedent is grasping at straws?
Or pointing out the source of the info (you) are absolutely a shill?
Neither of those is grasping at straws bud anyone reading this knows.
The supreme court ruled as they should’ve because innocent until proven guilty and it sets a bad precedent is grasping at straws?
Nowhere have I said anything of the sort. That’s literally a straw man you’re building here.
Or pointing out the source of the info (you) are absolutely a shill?
I love how you feel the need to smear people with different views from your own as shills since you don’t actually have anything of value to add to the discussion. Classic liberal behavior on display. The fact that libs aren’t even capable of having a civil discussion with others really says volumes.
Lol stop muddying the discussion with accusations bro. You’re full of it.
Everyone reading this knows.
Watch as the amazing man continues to grasp at straws! Desperate for any purchase to accuse and obscure!! Incredible folks.
Only one muddying the discussion here is you bud. Maybe stop flinging feces at people and try acting like a normal person?