Green Party candidate Jill Stein is gaining ground among Muslim-American voters in three critical swing states: Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin, according to a recent poll by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Stein leads Vice President and Democrat candidate Kamala Harris in these states, with 40 per cent support in Michigan, 35 per cent in Arizona, and 44 per cent in Wisconsin. This surge in popularity appears tied to Stein’s vocal criticism of US support for Israel during the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
2016 again. Idiots never learn.
Clinton won the popular by three million you willfully-ignorant fuck
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And… turning the nation into a fascist hellscape will teach those democrats a lesson!
If you won’t get right, if you won’t disavow genocide, if you won’t disavow settler-colonial mentality, if you won’t disavow white supremacy, if you won’t disavow burning our planet to a cinder for your treats; then you deserve everything that happens next.
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You’re saying the Democrats, who are welcoming immigrants into sanctuary cities and fighting to protect the rights of legal immigration, are somehow also responsible for fear-mongering about immigrants? That’s an interesting take. What do you call it when Republicans are threatening to deport all legal and naturalized immigrants without any concern for the number of generational US citizens they will also deport because they had the wrong skin color?
I call what you’re doing whataboutism and gish galloping. Focus on the matter at hand: the genocide in Gaza.
Well no, the matter at hand is immigrants in the US and how Trump has stated his intent to deport anyone who doesn’t look white. Yes the main post is about Palestine but this thread is about local immigration and how Trump plans to bring the terror back home.
Still gish galloping; shut the fuck up and focus on the matter at hand. You categorically do not get to redirect the scope of the conversation to a point that you think can be cudgeled on when what we are focused on is the absolute non-starter that is all of your leaders aiding, abetting, providing comfort, and providing materiel to GENOCIDERS THE WORLD OVER.
I will no longer be polite about it.
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So creating stronger border security to stop drug trafficking is a bad thing? There are still ways for people to cross legally, and what you quoted acknowledges the need to fix immigration policy for allowing citizenship. Whataboutism is when you are comparing two identical issues. What you are doing is ignoring the extreme approach of one party and trying to make it sound like the other party is doing the same thing… In the US, Trump wants to deport or straight up kill immigrants, Harris is acknowledging that we need to stop the drug traffic while helping supporting immigration. In Palestine … yeah Biden is sending bombs and he’s an ass for that but Harris has at least stated that things need to change. Meanwhile Trump’s only statement on the matter is that they need to bomb the Gaza strip and make the problem go away. Do you really thing allowing Trump to get into office will help anyone except rich white people? Stein might have a different approach but under our current voting system there is no possible way she will get elected, so your only honest choice in the matter is voting for someone who has a stated policy of death, or someone who has at least admitted that we can do better.
I take it you didn’t pay attention to the bipartisan border bill?
I take it you didn’t notice what happened after Republicans killed that bill?
But because I don’t entirely disagree with you, I’ll give you a better one: why is the Biden administration trying to remove protections from gray wolf populations, which were first removed by Trump?
This is widely perceived as a bad idea. Also Gaza, but that’s getting plenty of press anyway and sounds a little one-note at this point. More people need to know about the wolves.
… not specifically? I noticed Harris promised to bring that fascist shit back in 2025 and sign it, and I noticed that Republicans are now saying that Haitian migrants are eating our pets. No one is looking very good right now on the immigration issue.
America is fucked.
Interesting that you didn’t notice all the Republicans pissed off that it got killed over stupid infighting, which might be confused with some kind of strategy on the Democrat’s part to highlight just where MAGA’s gonna get them.
Now, from what I’ve read of your posts here, none of it actually matters to you - you’re going to keep banging on about how both sides are the same by bringing up how they’re similar as if the similarities prove you right, and ignoring every difference as though they don’t contradict you, so I’m not going to bother going any further with this. If you have a vote, I already know that you’re gonna make damn sure it’s a vote for Trump - even if you end up not voting at all. So thanks for that.
I miss ranked choice voting from Australia. Colorado has it on the ballot this year, hopefully it’ll pass there and the rest of the nation will follow suit. Then agitating like this will actually mean something.
These crackers stay out here like
The one where Democrats made deep concessions to Republican demands? The one where Republicans set most of the tone in the bill and then backed out because daddy Trump wanted immigration to still be an issue for the election?
Yes, the fascist border bill that was basically made to appease Republicans. Really welcoming to immigrants. 🙄
I didn’t mention party. Either a small mind or a deranged supporter of the orange orangutan would jump to that conclusion. Would you like you accuse me of eating pets also?
I mean, I’ll gleefully charge you with complicity and collaboration in genocide just based on your choice of words here.