Trump was best buddies with Jeffery Epstein andremovedd a 13-year-old girl at Epstein’s New York apartment – Trump being into kinky sex with consenting adults would be a significant improvement.
Number 1 that’s black beans. Number 2 the punchline is “i dunno but I’ve never paid $20 to have a garbanzo bean on my face”. Number 3 I won’t allow my go to joke to be stolen by these fascist goons!
That’s the punchline I learned too, definitely hits harder imo.
I’d just like to point out the rumor from the Steele dossier wasn’t that Trump got peed on by prostitutes it’s that he paid them to pee on a bed that the Obamas had once slept in which is somehow weirder to me.
Furthermore the Steele dossier was garbage disinformation paid for by the 2016 Clinton campaign.