Mine’s a speech to text to the right people with one misinterpreted word. I was on my way to a party and tried to send, “I’m bringing Veuve.” As in the champagne. Nope…all 13 people in the group text got, “I’m bringing lube.” Needless to say, about half were disappointed when I showed up with champagne, and I still haven’t lived this down.
^ We have a winner.
Sorry to saw but you will never live this down, this is amazing
I sent a very sexually explicit text meant for my girlfriend to my mom. Don’t do that friends, always double triple check your sexy messages
I accidentally set a sexually explicit in message meant for my wife to my realtor - we were all standing together so I asked him to just delete the most recent message from me and he did so. I am much more careful now.
He didn’t
If he didn’t that’s up to him. If he felt embarrassed or uncomfortable by that message after refusing to delete the message that’s on him. I don’t really give a shit for my feelings - I just didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
My husband accidentally sent a text with the word masturbate in it to our group chat with his sisters. That was uncomfortable.
Back in 2016 I debugged a situation with TextNow where if you just added a contact to your list, every number you’d message would be off by one in the index.
Once TextNow read my bug report, they quickly fixed it and emailed me back like 4:20am saying they fixed it, and to clear my cache and update the app.
I didn’t get it 🤔
You want a dic pic now? You know, try to make it up to you?🤔
didnt actually send thank god, but i lost my grip of my phone while watching porn, and somehow every button perfectly hit share. i was 1 more button press away from sending porn to my mother. i so very carefully deleted the message
Similar story, though I was intending to send something kinda inappropriate to someone. I almost sent it to my mum because common contacts pop up when doing a share, so I pressed my mum, but then while moving my finger down I realised my mistake, and just did the best save I could. My finger remained pressed down on screen, essentially holding down the “share with mum” button, while I came up with the solution to hold down the power button until the phone restarted. Halfway through the bootup process, I realised I probably could have just pressed the power button so my phone would go to sleep instead and that would have fixed the issue.
If you’re pressing a button and want to cancel you can pretty much universally just move off the button before releasing the press and it won’t trigger the action. Works 99% of the time with a mouse, almost as often with a touch interface. Some custom-coded buttons will action on start press (not great imo) and some buttons do some other action on a long press, but if you’re holding it and nothing else has happened just dragging off is safe enough.
onmouseup vs onmousedown on click settings. Early days of computers/programs were less forgiving when you clicked it started the action
Pretty tame, but I once texted “i love you” to my then gf (now wife), but accidentally sent it to my boss, who was riding in the car with me.
Did you get a raise?
The boss did
Your boss became your girlfriend, now wife?
My boss and I were driving back from a meeting in another town. The GPS suggested he take a different route because of traffic. He didn’t we sat in traffic for like an hour. I sent a message to my brother complaining about my boss., Complaining about my boss and how we were stuck in traffic. Or more correctly I meant to send it to my brother , accidentally sent it to my boss. Since we’re stuck in traffic, he checked his text message. needless to say that was an uncomfortable drive home. Somehow didn’t get fired
Damn. Awkward drive home!
In university, I figured that it was just hilarious to PRETEND to send dick pics.
What do I mean by that? Sounds sus.
Essentially I would take a picture of my jeans while I was wearing them, but only my lap. No outlines or anything technically inappropriate. I’d have a caption like “I think I’m looking stylish, u like???” It was funny amongst my friends (I’m pretty sure - they laughed and egged me on).
I figured I would send a pic to this guy we were friends with who was running for some faculty government position. I had texted him so I had his number but I hadn’t added him to my contacts, so he just appeared as his phone number in my messages app.
Turns out my lab partner (a grumpy woman who was very serious) was also in my texting app, not in my contacts, and also just appearing as her phone number.
I got the two mixed up.
Panicked and told her the ruse and how it was meant for another person who I didn’t add but she wasn’t having it. I guess I don’t blame her. The explanation was weirder compared to the idea that a creepy guy sent her a weird pic.
She reported it to the prof and faculty the next day and I got scheduled for an academic hearing. I sat at a table with several administrators and the head of the engineering faculty they told me I had essentially committed a crime and that the university has zero tolerance and usually hands everything over to the police.
They mentioned that the woman was given the option to submit a police report for the instance but chose not to if it meant I would be ejected from the class she was in so I wouldn’t be her lab partner anymore. Took the F in that class instead of being kicked out of my program and never played that dumb game again.
If you need the whole thing explained to you, then I’m not doing it.
Ya I wasn’t (still am not) the brightest bulb in the pack.
That’s… pretty funny actually x)
Sorry for u my dude
I guess people are afraid of sending E-mails and doing phone-calls for this reason.
The fear of accidentally pasting a porn-link into an email is immense. So much that I clear my copy-clipboard regularly, just to be double-sure.
How often do you copy porn-links?
on mobile? do you really wanna know?
It’s all porn. Always has been.
Coincidentally, this very week, I accidentally texted my neighbor a vulgar comment about TSA patting down my balls that was meant for the Mrs.
Unsend did not work 🙄😙🤮
I got a little taste of what Truman must’ve felt like when he realized everyone got to watch his awkward years.
What did they cut to while he was flogging it for 90% of any given day for a few years
Tame stuff.
When I was in college was was sending cat pictures to some random person. They only replied when I asked something specific (“When are we meeting,” or something like that). They replied with “Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you, this is the wrong number. Love the cats though.” The messages had been meant for my grandma.
Second time, in high school, I got a new phone and was texting my whole two friends so they would have my number. I got a reply back that I wasn’t “2ugly2live.” apparently, the girl I texted also had a friend with the same name and thought I was trying to impersonate her. And I thought her friend was trying to trick my friend. The other “2ugly2live” texted me and she used a lot of l33t speak, so I shot back to who I thought was my friend that it couldn’t be me, “she can’t even spell!” Sent my friend a message on aim and she was like, “???”
I apologized to both randos and we got a chuckle out of it.
I once sent a whole thing meant for a pony RP to a buyer on OLX
It wasn’t anything improper, just nerdy as hell as it was the character philosophizing about the history of the fantasy horse kingdom he lived in.