I want to get into the Star Trek universe but dont know where to start. I have previously seen first three seasons of Disocvery and first season of picard. Picard was cool but disocvery didnt quite track, a little boring and not adventure focused enough. However loving lower decks now (just started season 4) and want to get into the more canon stuff.

I have access to TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise and SNW. TOS i could probanly get access to if i want, but gotta admit that is not very enticing.

So where to start? TNG?

If it helps (and i dont get shunned for this), i am a stargate guy and love especially sg-1 and the adventure of the week format and the character ensemble

  • lizard-socks@pandacap.azurewebsites.net
    4 months ago

    I got into Star Trek by watching random Voyager episodes whenever they happened to be on TV. It’s from the same era as SG-1 and is overall pretty close to what an “average” Star Trek show would be IMO. You can give it a try if TNG doesn’t click with you for some reason. Or go with SNW if you want something that’s currently airing with new episodes being made - every other “current” Star Trek show has either finished production or not aired yet.

    • lunsjentilanette@sh.itjust.worksOP
      4 months ago

      Good to know. Currently leaning towards starting from TNG first season and trying to go through it all, but will definitely check out voyager before abandoning ship if tng does not stick.