Donald Trump’s plan to tap the retired US lieutenant general Keith Kellogg as US envoy to Ukraine and Russia has triggered renewed interest in a policy document he co-authored that proposes ending the war by withdrawing weapons from Ukraine if it doesn’t enter peace talks – and giving even more weapons to Ukraine if Russia doesn’t do the same.

Trump is said to have responded favorably to the plan – America First, Russia & Ukraine – which was presented to him in April and was written by Kellogg and the former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump’s national security council from 2017 to 2021.

The document proposes halting further US weapons deliveries to Kyiv if it does not enter peace talks with Moscow, while simultaneously warning Moscow that, should it refuse to negotiate, US support for Ukraine would increase.


      4 months ago

      I mean, that’s what the election was literally for. Looks like they got off Scott free for 2-4 years at least.

      3 months ago

      The Dems had the opportunity to do something,

      & they instead committed assumption-of-victory & making-believing-of-victory.

      Those don’t work.

      Trump promised his followers they’d never have to vote again.

      Don’t expect to be able to escape Trump’s rule:

      they’ve literally 10’s of thousands of appointees lined-up to prevent civil-rights from ever interfering with their highjacking of the country.

      It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump had the entire Dem electorate arrested, shortly after stepping-in, & had someone torture/interrogate some of them, until a “confession” was produced, & then hanged them all, outside of the gov’t buildings.

      I don’t think he’s got the balls to do that, but he’s openly admired Putin’s psychopathy, & through the years, he’s becoming more & more psychopathic himself…

      where will he draw the line, today? tomorrow? the following season? the next year?

      The Dems gave away their chance.

      I don’t expect them to ever get any chance to correct anything, now.

      Some changes are permanent, in spite of “status quo’s” pretending that nothing changes…

      _ /\ _

      ( sorry I replied 2x: I didn’t remember having replied, before…

      brain-injury, so memory problems.

      I’ll leave both up, to show that I’m daft, is all.

      Apologies : )

      4 months ago

      Honestly, you are powerless to do anything about them.

      Trump promised his followers they wouldn’t have to vote anymore, & I expect that to be true.

      I don’t know if he’s got the balls to outright arrest all the elected Democrats, & begin torturing them until someone “confesses” that they were “all” “guilty of treason”, then hang them all, to prove his “validity” or “justification”…

      but I don’t expect there to be more than 100 million left alive on this continent by 2040, after US Civil War part2’s finished butchering everyone…

      Apparently it was the boomer-males & the latinos who couldn’t bear the thought of a woman with authority who gave Trump basis-for-total-dictatorship…

      Which proves that unless you keep your already-established people agilely evolving, they ARE GOING TO sink you, for their ego-inertia’s protection…

      ( I read, years ago, in an excellent book named “Corps Business: the 30 MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES of the US Marines”, that the US Marines toss you out if you haven’t earned promotion in the last 18-months:

      they do not tolerate inertia in their population!

      NOW I am better-understanding the cultural-consequence of not-doing-that kind of thing…

      Forced-evolution XOR … the inertia-establishment snuffing the organization/country…

      Natural Selection, aka Nature Got There 1st!

      Ruthless, truth is… )

      _ /\ _