Looking for game recommendations for my 4 year old who just got a Switch for Christmas. He’s having a good time with Donut County, and likes running around the town in Stardew Valley, but looking for something else. Doesn’t have to be super kids-y, but easy, chill, no lose condition or time limits. Thoughts?

  • makeshiftreaper@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    Club House Games is an easy recommendation. 51 games that are classics around the world. You probably know how to play the majority of them already. Likewise a Nintendo switch online subscription is the price of a game for a year and comes with N64, GBA, GBC, SNES, NES, and Dreamcast games. Pokémon stadium 1/2, Ecco the dolphin, Kirby super-star saga, Kirby dream course are all good