Mech sim like the old Mechwarrior games. Not the new ones they are gatcha pay to win
Mech sim like the old Mechwarrior games. Not the new ones they are gatcha pay to win
It makes me sad that this is how it ends. They just settle and go on their way. Won’t bring back any of the dead or curb any future bullshit.
best jarring ending to a movie
No matter what price they make games, have no illusion that developers will be paid more. This is to pad C level pockets.
This is why I’ll never get invested in Google again. I’m working on trying to move everything I can out.
Edit: Spelling
Yeah all those fine really hurt one of the richest men in the world.
Some will also be paid to be hostile.
I am sure he knew nothing about it
I have been enjoying Grimmbeard
I wish I wasn’t as cynical. These people get away with anything.
Hell yes, we moved on to canabalism.
Amid Evil is so good. I just love all the weapons.
I too had to go on a trip with people I hate
It still feels like fallout/elder scrolls in space. It feels like the same games with just a new outfit on.