Thanks, I hate it
Thanks, I hate it
No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative! Also art is complicated.
Yeah, right on spot! :)
Interesting that you did not say anything about the rest of that comment
Oh yes my intelligence is way below yours, all-knowing internet wizard. You really are laughable. Now go on and tell somebody else they are a rapist. Just to wonder that they might be offended by that.
Oh I get it now, you are suffering from muricaistheworlditis.
These rules apply in which country?
Oh and the bullshit in this is that two drunk people should not be able to consent if one drunk person is not able to consent. But go on, get hammered, get laid. Maybe you will die of liver cirrhosis.
So you really are all-knowing, Internet Warrior? Show me the powerful way to becoming a keyboard ninja then, please!
Interesting that you know me so well from one comment. Share your wisdom Internet Wizard :)) How did you become all-knowing?
So since I don’t drink I can’t hookup with drunk girls? Sounds like BS to me.
German Korinthenkacker (currant shitter) is someone who tries to win an argument by looking at unimportant details.
This is horrible, and the fact people here are trying to play it down just shows that anorexia is socially accepted.
Don’t chmod recursively on a whole lot of files if you don’t know what you are doing. Also rm is a very powerful command, be wary. Lastly, piping to grep can be very helpful.
Doc Martens
Matrix confirmed
Fake news, I looked it up
Fucking surveillance state you have there