Are there extensions for Kate as there are for VS Codium?
Are there extensions for Kate as there are for VS Codium?
I have no problems saying excuse me in a loud clear voice and blasting right through the center of those conversations. Being a performer at the local Renaissance festival for 30 years teaches you how to blow right through crowds with people in the way.
I’m going through all of my company’s apps replacing jquery with vanilla Javascript. I don’t like that Javascript is much more verbose than jquery but I do like not having to be dependent upon a library.
Don’t blame the tool just because you lack the skill or training to use it well.
Replace them with a resistor?
Reaper is on a line with ProTools and has a linux port. I never like Ardour. Too much fiddly stuff.
Apropos of nothing, where are you finding domains for $10/year?
The suicidal overtone is a huge turnoff for me.
Not a fan of lemmings, since everything we know about them in popular culture is incorrect - they don’t commit mass suicide - and is suicide really the image we want for ourselves? @Lemminary has the right idea.
Kubuntu 23.04. Eventually going to try Mint, see if it’s more stable on my machine, but there isn’t time just now.
An entire sentence expressed as a single word. Gods I love that language. I really ought to start learning it, but in the midwest US there’s no call for it. Spanish, Chinese, or ASL.
Couple of nit-picky things that I’d love to see changed.
This comment box. There’s nothing to visually divide it from the original post. I got it figured out, but my brain is still resisting it as bad UX.
On the home feed, the group an article comes from is tiny and not obvious. My eye is constantly jumping back and forth from subject to group, group to subject, and it’s fatiguing. The subject is only half of what describes the post: what group that subject belongs to is the other.
On the home feed, I have to click Subscribed for my feed. Setting and getting a cookie is at most two lines of code each in vanilla javascript, seems to me that’d be an easy choice to remember.
All inkjet printers are an ink scam. If you don’t need color, or need it infrequently, get a b/w laser printer and be done with it. I bought a used HP Laserjet 2430 back with Ubuntu 18 and never looked back. I print a lot, and just a month ago broke into a toner cartridge I bought five years ago.
Tinkercad didn’t have one yet, so I made it. Would love to see more maker groups, but it’ll grow organically and I’m pretty patient.
I haven’t but fucked if I know how.