You know what hilarious?
There’s a sub minimum wage in America for people that earn tips (minimum of 30$ in tips a month), youths, and the disabled.
Sub minimum wage is a whopping 2.13$
You know what hilarious?
There’s a sub minimum wage in America for people that earn tips (minimum of 30$ in tips a month), youths, and the disabled.
Sub minimum wage is a whopping 2.13$
Wealth is just the hoarding of imaginary credits representing the hours of other people’s work.
“When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”
Destruction of our society and pollution of our only Earth for paper strips.
The dining alone hits. The lack of community is palpable in corporate America.
LLMs are good for learning, brainstorming, and mundane writing tasks.
More like “how do I make an account? I give up. Fucking immigrants ruining my signup process”.
HEY NOW, it was an acorn. Way different.
Unfortunately a large block of the American voting base believes in fairy tales.
“But evangelicals’ support isn’t simply driven by a theology that compels them to love the Holy Land, detached from its convulsive domestic and global political implications. For many “Christians Zionists,” and particularly for popular evangelists with significant clout within the Republican Party, their support for Israel is rooted in its role in the supposed end times: Jesus’ return to Earth, a bloody final battle at Armageddon, and Jesus ruling the world from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In this scenario, war is not something to be avoided, but something inevitable, desired by God, and celebratory.”
Plenty of dumbfucks say guns don’t people, people kill people.
The tool and the person are at fault.
I’m currently listening to a podcast on the Sobibor Extermination Camp. The accounts are harrowing.
Before women were sent to the gas chamber, they’d be shaved so their hair could be used as lining for SS officers boots.
The first part of the series talked about how the Holocaust started out in small steps. Once the systems are put in place the genocide ramped up to what we think of it.
It went from segregation, to discrimination, to complete dehumanization, to genocide.
The episode follows a child that ends up getting sent to the Sobibor. Right before he gets put on the train he sees an old childhood friend that tells him “Soon I’ll see you on the store shelves as a bar of soap!”
Nazis deserved far worse than the fate many of them got. Suicide wasn’t nearly enough for these sick demented demons. They shouldve been tortured for their crimes against humanity.
It can happen anywhere.
Yeah you’ll just have to outbid blackrock.
Meanwhile they remove “billionaires shouldn’t exist”
Glad I deleted my meta account.
Just putting in my 2 cents. I don’t remember seeing any trash from my 2 weeks in Japan. The country is impeccably clean.
I’ve seen mongoloids throw trash on the floor while they stood less than a foot away from the trashcan. Should’ve thrown him in the trash.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear about a cop shooting a kid for opening a lemonade stand.
Just more systems put in place to worship the American God: money.
No crime is too great as long as the parasites at the top are taking more and more and more of our wealth and prosperity from us.
When someone shows me they’re a terrible, ignorant person I act accordingly.
We have. Our ship’s course is set. The systems we have in place are too entrenched in their destruction. I remember when the Paris agreement was signed and everyone was talking about how we need to cut emissions now or never. What did we do as a species? Increase energy demands across the board and keep the status quo, and those demands just keep rising higher and higher.
When it comes to the people that still don’t care, I figure they won’t care until it happens to them directly.
We’ve lost to climate change already. Can’t even get people to wear a mask. Asking them to completely change their polluting lifestyles? Impossible. What we do instead is ban plastic straws to pretend were doing something. Reality doesn’t matter, just how people feel.
I know people that have had to take an Uber instead of an ambulance because of the costs.