If they go by fallout lore, technically Canada is part of the US lmao
If they go by fallout lore, technically Canada is part of the US lmao
Its a great show. Binged it, and while they lean way more into Bethesda’s own games, they absolutely do not leave out the first game through New Vegas and pay homage quite a bit.
Was about to say, that is a fuckton of breakfast sausage he’s got on there. Either he’s sharing, bribing, or he wants to be on My 600 lbs Life before 2025
Its dramatic and grim but not terribly depressing. I have only seen the first episode so far so I cant speak beyond the first hour. I’m honestly impressed with how they captured a lot of the Fallout theme, mostly the naïve positivity of corporate mascot posters that are literally plastered over the blood stains. Loved the symbolism there.
All expenses paid luxury vacations as a “gift” seems to be more important to them
Cat has the terminator eye
Hashahahsafahsha fuck now i cant taste the rest of them
Why more word when few word good?
I imagine its stuff they had in the works but couldnt finish before release, so technically not new content?
I’ve had several bosses tell me that the moment they see a stereotypical African American name they throw out the application/resume.
They dont hand the Ukrainian conscripts any real functioning weapons, if at all. They are used as meat shields and cannon fodder to absorb the limited ammunition Ukraine has.
Almost as weird as 2 of the US Presidents including the sitting US President at the time of Epstein’s death is a known associate of his.
My first thought was mold
I agree with you, the Ottomans were a source of stability and were generally failing by WW1. I believe the drawing of the new borders while ignoring cultures and histories of the people left in the former Ottoman Empire is also a huge source of instability.
There are US troops across Europe, as well. Wtf is all this talk of imperialism when the US was invited?