They do that as well. The social media post will contain a brief synopsis and will link to a government website for more information.
They do that as well. The social media post will contain a brief synopsis and will link to a government website for more information.
This is a massive cry from “behaves like humans”. This is “roleplays behaving like what humans wrote about what they think a rogue AI would behave like”, which is also not what you want for a product.
The Saarland, Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are smaller than the average county, but especially the latter three have a bit of a special status because they’re essentially just cities.
The next-smallest one, Schleswig-Holstein, is more than 5 times larger than the average county. Bavaria, the largest one is more than 24 times as large as the average county.
I take the average here, because some US counties are absurdly large. The largest proper county, San Bernardino, is larger than 4 states combined.
The median county size btw is 5 times smaller than the average size. Only Bremen is still smaller than that.
I don’t think “AI tries to deceive user that it is supposed to be helping and listening to” is anywhere close to “success”. That sounds like “total failure” to me.
The tests showed that ChatGPT o1 and GPT-4o will both try to deceive humans, indicating that AI scheming is a problem with all models. o1’s attempts at deception also outperformed Meta, Anthropic, and Google AI models.
Weird way of saying “our AI model is buggier than our competitor’s”.
And the cybertruck’s structure stopped anyone outside it from getting hurt…
The reason nobody outside was hurt was because there wasn’t really anyone around to get hurt. The video shows a pretty sizeable explosion that would’ve likely killed someone standing close by.
I don’t think the Cybertruck did any better than other cars in that respect. Not worse either btw.
This sounds a lot like what Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance has been doing for ages, and that expansion came out in 2007. The only difference is the unit limit but that’s mostly for performance reasons (and is rarely hit in competitive matches anyway).
How are these mechanics next-gen if they’re more than 15 years old?
They apparently found the boxes with damage on the outside, nothing known yet about the contents.
For the downvoters: regardless of your opinions on the US, the CIA, North Korea, etc…, RFA has been a historically unreliable source when it comes to reporting on countries like North Korea. The reporting is often sensationalised, unclearly sourced and because of that often later disproven (often by North Korean defectors).
That doesn’t necessarily mean that this news item is incorrect, fabricated or otherwise false, but given that RFA is an unreliable source and there are no other outlets reporting on this without deferring to RFA as their source, I’d take this with a grain of salt.
Minecraft doesn’t need another distribution platform if players already know where to find it. So no point in giving Valve a cut.
Depends exactly on what is taxed. Regardless, the tax increase would be so low that moving is almost certainly not paying for itself. The government could also just increase taxes by a flat amount rather than a flat rate.
Point is, there’s plenty of options that give zero reason to assume capital flight will happen.
There’s a variety of ways to implement it, but the vast majority save trillions in the long run. has a couple sources listed, even a Koch-funded institute found it would save money.
The reasoning is simple: you cut out the middlemen who demand a portion of the premiums for themselves. Those costs are instantly removed, and there isn’t really anything that starts costing more in return.
There’s also collective governmental bargaining on procedures and medication which lowers prices.
No, the sum of all premiums paid by all Americans is way more than is required. You could make it a flat tax and it’d still be cheaper.
The tax increase is more than offset by the cost of premiums.
Why? UHC is cheaper than the current system. You wouldn’t need any extra taxes.
But then perhaps you could articulate what the exact issue is? Like, what ill effects is Steam being a very major player having on the gaming industry as a whole?
But the barrier to entry for publishing a game on Steam is super-low, it’s honestly dead simple. And even though Steam takes a sizeable cut, they do tons of work in exchange w.r.t. promotion, distribution, community management, the modding workshop, Steam Input, testing Steam Deck compatibility, etc…
For indies it’s one of the easiest routes to publish a game. And given the relative success of indies on Steam, it seems to work quite well.
Baseload is by definition not on-demand, baseload is always there.
I’ve toyed with this game concept in my head for a while, really happy to see some studio just built it. It looks a lot like what I had envisioned!
Instant wishlist for me!
Out of all nuclear-capable nations, France’s nuclear doctrine is absolutely the most terrifying one.
Most nations maintain a second strike doctrine, e.g. they won’t fire first but will immediately retaliate. Some states also allow themselves to strike in case of extreme threats, e.g. WMDs.
France allows itself to fire a nuke as a warning shot.