My point is if you are installing a dictator why not choose the 30 year old?
My point is if you are installing a dictator why not choose the 30 year old?
Seriously why not put in Buttigieg? He would be in power for decades if you are fixing the races.
The Taliban, AQ, and DAESH/IS/ISIL/ISIS have very different goals. The Taliban wants a theocracy in Afghanistan they control. AQ wants a caliphate in Mecca and the overthrow of the House of Saud. DAESH/ISIS wants a one world caliphate that they control.
Why aren’t you talking about the Afghanis that fought against the communists because they did not want communism? That was a huge chunk of Afghanistan.
“The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.”
Im not sure the withdrawal was as quick as you think.
It isn’t designed to be as engaging. It’s a service not a product for sale
Yeah im less inclined to think they would be better together but who knows?
Corn ice cream is great, queso ice cream not so much.
The point of comparison was to the “civilized nations” that whose views WOULD make the USA’s parties right leaning. For that to make any sense “civilized nations” has to be Europe as they are the pretty much the only nations that are inarguably to the left of the USA. Your language makes you intention clear.
If course there was the much more likely option that you have no formal education in political philosophy. I suspect that is the actual case as it is much more likely that you are mistaken in your understandings of the binaries , as most are, than being racist.
How do we cover the expense of extracting and purifying it?
Trump is the least capable POTUS in US history with the only possible exception being Pierce. He was an unmitigated disaster for policy and the views of the USA abroad. He was shit.
The catch is he’s not responsible for the current inflation. That’s because the Fed did not act fast enough.
You literally use the term “civilized countries” as the positive part of a negative comparison. I assumed nothing it is exactly what you wrote.
Don’t feel bad about this though as it is common if you only learned about political philosophy from reddit/internet forums rather than a formal educational setting. A typical into to poli sci 101 class talks about binaries and a responsible instructor demonstrates their limits. You clearly did not learn that.
A guy on that much gear is unlikely to have a big hog
None of this is because of Trump. He is too far removed from office and inflation is typically not the result of something the executive did. The Fed and Congress are much more directly responsible for the economy as they control the purse strings and interest rates respectively.
I have no love for TLFG but he’s not to blane in this case
The guy pictured who sings about small towns grew up entirely living in cities.
You really need to take a second to ask yourself why you are using “the civilized world” to mean Western Europe because the history of that specific perspective is problematic and is the root of a ton of racism.
Conservative means different things in different societies. A conservative Iranian, Chinese mainlander, American and Austrian are going to have very different perspectives. If you have any education in political philosophy this would not need to be explained.
The thing people seem to miss is we want equity of opportunity not equity of outcomes. If I put in half the work of another person doing the same job as me I shouldn’t expect the same results for my work.
Unless you are one of those people that only learned political philosophy from the internet or are so Euro-centric/racist that you think the binary European democracies use for European democracies applies to all political ideologies, and it absolutely does not, then you would have to clarify what you mean by “conservative”. For example if you think both major parties in the USA are “conservative” then the above likely applies to you.
The problem with your analogy is it presumes that losing 10% of whatever resource it is you are discussing does not have life altering consequences. Losing those two productive adults would be horrific if everyone was just getting by with all adults working at full capacity.
It’s further complicated by the fact that someone will not always die at the same time as someone stops working. It is possible that fewer workers will need to support more people which again is hard if everyone is just getting by in the initial setup.
Finally it’s made more difficult if the numbers are different such as 12 elderly 6 adults and two kids. The moment someone drops out of the workforce the productivity takes a huge hit.
In every instance a greater number of workers fixes the issue. It is a problem of numbers not distribution.
Alternatively Women could be smarter then men.