That’s the only way anyone can beat us
That’s the only way anyone can beat us
Good. Slava Ukraini
Even though some don’t like the Kelvin timeline, Spock giving his last goodbye there was poignant and fitting to the story. I think Kirk said goodbye when he handed things over to Picard
How many were gold plated? Also on an unrelated note, how many PATRIOT batteries are currently collecting dust?
Can’t say I disagree with them. Usually it’s the canucks always saying sorry but this one is on us. Sorry.
We did have an idea, we saw the gas chambers. Now just like the Israelis, we’re taking a turn at being the bad guy, so yeah arm and practice. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Sorry Canada
They even poke fun at themselves for that when Boimler/Mariner time travels and remark how slowly and quietly everyone speaks
Still pissed I voted for her but what can you do
It is clearer on the nfl.com replay but also helps if you know his songs. The real high point though was the choreography and his shit eating grin when he stared straight down the camera to talk to drake.
As a fan of neither team, that Kendrick performance was fucking fantastic.
Yeah I caught that after I posted and I agree, my statement stands though, it’s wicked depressing to have so many relatives who wore the uniform and are apparently not opposed to fascism and drunken conversations with folks in the beer hall can lead to that poison spreading
I certainly fucking do at the VFW
I mean Sisko kind of does when he describes how the Bell riots have to take place before we unite as a planet and join the Federation
That seems entirely possible. For all we know these ghouls in the GOP are actually the Loom in human form just consuming all the life in this dead end timeline. We need a Crusher
The timeline where Gore won the election he actually did win then handed the reins to Bernie has warp travel and human/alien babies by now.
The 1911 is still a fully functional and useful weapon, just sayin.
They’ve been operating as the tip of the spear and begging for more ammo since day 1, they know full well it’s a proxy not just between US/Russia but the EU and old agreed land divisions all across the continent. They’ve been held back due to MAD concerns and the new administration is fully fascist.
What do you suggest this “unknowing puppet” do instead, your better idea?
It blows my mind. My family is all military in one branch or another, so they not only heard all the propaganda of the red scare but actually trained to fight Ivan…now they’re voting R and saying Moscow is right. Wtf happened to this timeline‽