Good rant. Sorry from this side of the border, I still can’t fully believe so many of my countrymen voted for the villain
Good rant. Sorry from this side of the border, I still can’t fully believe so many of my countrymen voted for the villain
Technically correct, the best kind of correct!
Conversely, I despise the film which tells the moral tale of “if you’re rich enough you can murder people and get away with it.”
There’s a scene in Justified and similar in some other shows in the years after 9/11. Marshalls are looking for help on some homegrown organized crime types and the FBI tell them “sorry boys if it ain’t about turbans or bombs in the sand we don’t have the money or time.”
We just sorta never stopped that after 20 years occupying and bombing the wrong country and now we have a goddamn nazi infestation again
Jody jokes are as old as the military, but yeah this is some cringe shit that’s using a very old joke
Keeping the women barefoot and pregnant while doing chores and the kids fighting your feuds is governing for them
I can back into a space at full speed, lined up perfectly while barely touching the wheel. Parallel parking is something I do so little, I forget how to line up every time and feel like a fool
I noped out of that show after the episode where the entire engineering crew spends an hour trying to access the ancient secret data vault that is…some girls iPhone. Trek definitely has better humor as well as poignant and serious topics.
Sure, just as soon as the Israeli navy comes under fire.
I tried it in a Firefox container once, while shopping for Xmas gifts. Not only did it want access to absolutely everything, none of the things I was looking to buy got any meaningful discount from it. Surely that would make one question how and why this thing is even still running, unless you don’t ask many questions.
For me it’s cilantro indoors. Can’t get it to stay alive more than a couple weeks, I don’t think I’m ready to take care of a whole star.
Well, convicted felon and person the Joint Chiefs named “most likely to commit treason” in the yearbook doesn’t stop you from running again so fuckin why not
I was kinda hoping we’d take a page from French history books on this one, all you need is a little wood, a little steel, and gravity to really get things rolling
I just recently moved from 13 mini to 16, other than screen size you’re not missing much.
Give that worm intro music and watch Kittle come flying in with a not staged elbow
Remember when rituals where conducted by the moon and women were witches who made the world…
Celtic farms remembers
This is the breadbasket and ICBM manufacturing part of the USSR. Its importance to the lives of everyone, yes EVERYONE on earth that this place be freed from Russian control cannot be overstated.
We just let the orange guy win again please EU act like rational adults
If the French hadn’t supported the colonies, there would be no USA today. Their language is gibberish but we could learn some lessons from their revolting and how to march a noble toward the guillotine
I remember cause we went out for drinks right after the movie, Luigi was always in sight
TIL they still use ski jumps. As long as Taiwan remains our ally, any CVN within a hemisphere means Beijing can’t do shit.
That is, of course, assuming this administration maintains that backup…which worries me for Ukrainian and Taiwanese lives.