Dude yes, jumping between times AND walls blew my mind
Dude yes, jumping between times AND walls blew my mind
Honestly, good riddance. That place was a cestering fesspool.
I’m planning to buy a clear purple steam deck shell, so I sure hope so!
Yeah, story in a Zelda game is like story in a porno.
It’s expected to be there, but it’s not important.
Due to his untrustworthy behavior, I can’t say I’d be surprised if he leaked the memo himself, purposely including the deflection of revenue not being impacted or such.
Sounds a bit conspiracy theorist, but I would certainly be unsurprised.
This just makes me really curious what it was - Mine was never a point of contention because it was just some letters and numbers
I’ve used kdenlive for a few years now and it’s so far a very good nlve, especially for the price of free.
I think that sounds logical apart from the system not being powered on at all lol
Doom 2016 on some days, Pillars of Eternity on others
I got daily emails with FOMO titles about special one time only redemption codes. Occasionally multiple times a day :-/
Well, the TDP of the chip is only part of the equation; The main thing is that the Deck is limited in performance in ways that your laptop likely is not, regardless of clock-for-clock differences.
No kidding with this one; I got constant spam from them after the last one and was very confused.
Ok, you’ve got me curious - Why 3 different active directory domain controllers?
I personally have used a self built Dactyl Manuform as my primary keyboard for the last two years or so, and it’s great as a programmer. I mostly pursued it due to wrist discomfort, which has essentially disappeared since I started using it.
Thank you for your service :-)
Couch co-op is one of the best ways I’ve ever spent time with my wife
I’m currently playing totk on my Deck, looking forward to Diablo 4 once I get done with it. I basically use my Deck every day, it’s a great way to sit on the couch cuddled up to my wife while she plays on the Switch or such
They never actually got anywhere with it, but there was talk of involving them somehow.
“GitHub is down? Guess that means it’s time for a quick game break.”