Kiss the ring
Kiss the ring
Is anyone surprised? If it’s Russia or China, they’re bound to reneg on their agreements.
Good job staying away from the Ponzi scheme. Bitcoin is an investment in the same way art is - it’s only valuable if you can find another schmuck who will pay you for it.
Must be in the US if Healthcare is a luxury
I’ve been wondering about the same.
Hail seitan!
It’s also the grand jury who had to return a true bill. They could have voted against the DAs charges.
Are you conflating gay and trans?
That can also work with stocks, every employee gets a share. Much easier to set up and manage, compared to making every employee a member of the LLC or a partner.
Last week I ate a cup of applesauce that expired in 2018. It wasn’t swollen or discolored. Tasted good, didn’t get sick.
Not sure there’s enough room with that monster
More candidates down ballot, not just top of the ticket. Get working class people in local and state government, who can help drive forward voting reform.
National institutions are going to fail as Trump reclassifies civil servants as political appointments. Only those loyal to trump will remain.
There will be a substantial brain drain as people with means and motivation leave the US for elsewhere. This will mostly be college educated people who lean center to left of center. There is likely to be an influx of political refugees to New Zealand, western Europe, and the Nordic countries. This means leftists who can’t leave will be stuck here. This will push the US further right, and push the other countries further right because the people leaving aren’t as far left as they think they are.
Business regulations will be lax, and enforcement will be diminished. OSHAs budget will be cut even further, leaving states to manage workplace safety. Businesses will migrate towards red states where operations are cheaper.
Blue states will start banding together on their own enforcement systems for everything that the federal government used to manage. We already see this to some extent with manufacturers tending to comply with California regulations for nationwide stuff.
That hypothesis makes sense. Seems like we’ll never know for sure since no contextual clues survived.
OP is talking about ejaculating into the sock
Time to slyther in to your chamber of secrets
With or without Ammonium chloride?
I love them, they look very suckable!
Everyone already knows the answer, just because they won’t admit it doesn’t change anything. People who care won’t buy it, and people who buy it don’t care.