I’m not sure if this is the way
I’m not sure if this is the way
Yeah, I know.
What part of your comment was not condescending?
That would be why they’re illegal now, yeah…
I think you’re missing my point entirely. Dangerously simplifying a non-simple issue is putting you in the category of “My kid could do that.”
It’s even worse than that. The FDA has determined that trans fats have zero nutritional value; the body can’t break them down. They basically sit in your liver until you die.
“Shit Flambe” is my cool new hacker name.
Yeah? Well… I understood that reference.
I had no idea about Le Potato. I’m an electronics experimenter and this looks solid. Thanks!
Flame pro-tardant poly-mascot-foamalate!
They were cutting it with trans fats up until recently, which are about as digestible as sawdust.
We need a community that’s just sarcastic stuff like this.
Do you have any idea how many maple leaves go into just one bottle of maple syrup?
Because I sure as hell don’t.
I can
I suggest you look up the meaning of a “straw man” fallacy and form an opinion on the idea.
"Did you hear gunfire?
…Must have been my imagination. "
So you can walk into an art museum, look at a Rembrant, a Da Vinci, and a Carlo, go home to a canvas, and jot up a fusion of the three?
Wow. You’re good.
Only if an LLM is going to irritate me to death.