“AI deep machine learning large language models crypto blockchain dotcom”
“AI deep machine learning large language models crypto blockchain dotcom”
Thank you for your snackrifice.
And by Trump, too. He’d definitely try and cash in if it were possible.
It was Kurzgesagt. Which was even more troubling since they are pretty reputable and they’ve done videos on the past trying to spur hopes on climate change. It seemed like a weird little factoid thrown into the mix rather than something directly related to current events.
I was watching a video about past extinctions and they had a line where the oceans warmed two degrees over two million years, which was just about enough time for the ecosystems to evolve and adapt.
Look at what we’ve done in two hundred.
Rick Scott as well.
“You know what’d really help our finances? Being sucked into a DoTerra pyramid scheme.”
It’s deviations from the mean, so if the deviation were “3” for example, values of 6, 3, 0, -3 and -6 would be 2, 1, 0, -1, and -2 deviations away from the central line, respectively.
Had an old colleague who kept abbreviating ‘follow up’ as ‘f/up.’
“Yeah we should be okay, I’ll f/up on that later today.”
“Hey are you able to f/up on this?”
“Hey, I f/uped with our boss today on our issue.”
Not my type of game but I think Hello Games has managed to redeem themselves somewhat. The amount of updates they churned out to meet NMS’s promises and go above and beyond them is nuts.
Hopefully they learned their lesson from their first fuck up and won’t torpedo whatever goodwill they’ve managed to win back.
Disc drive boots up
System takes flight and blasts through the ceiling.
I’ve saved a few clips for this reason and I’d rather just go to the PS5 quick menu and open up the share screen from there. I don’t know why that wasn’t the option to begin with, are people saving clips frequently enough to require its own button?
Weird design choice.
Proxies against Russia, Iran and China.
The Sonic drowning music pops in my head randomly during other stressful situations.
It’s like my brain has the worst possible soundtrack.
The Windows key? I use it constantly.
Windows + Left/Right to dock screens, Windows + E for a quick file explorer, Windows + X for settings and dev options, Windows + P to adjust your second monitor, I’m sure there’s other hotkeys as well.
“I had a minor misunderstanding with my friend, how can I fix it?!”
‘… talk to them about it?’
“oh, right.”
Roll credits
I use YouTube more than any streaming service and it was nice to get those perks. I am just waiting for the perks to be revoked and sold back to me one chunk at a time.
Republican have gone completely nuts for Authoritarianism for some reason
I feel like this is a power grab. With everyone online and interconnected, it’s a lot easier to see where the real problems are. Our collective blame shifts more and more to the top and it’s becoming a lot harder to defend the actions of the rich.
I feel like that’s a source for all of this, not just the USA. They know the party is over, but they’ll fight like hell to keep it going.
“Well clearly I can’t be held responsible for my life’s problems, it must be the fault of disenfranchised minorities.”
Do I have to hold my pee while I’m pooping until I can get to the other bathroom?