I agree about blanket statements and calls for death, but it looks to me like this meme is just calling cops trash.
Yeah, try pressing Alt+[PrintScreen, F]
to invoke the OOM killer. It kills the memory-hoggingest process, usually the web browser.
Fedora documentation says this sysrq functionality may be disabled by default. You can enable it once by typing at a terminal: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
or permanently with echo 'kernel.sysrq = 1' | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/90-sysrq.conf
If it turns out that memory overconsumption is the problem, you can sometimes fix this lag by disabling swap. 16GB is easily enough RAM to do all normal desktop things.
Yeah, that. My preferences go: chicken > steak > pork > beans == lentils == hamburger > impossible meat > lab-grown meat > mechanically separated meat > starvation > insect meat
If also taking into account environmental concerns, test tube protein sinks further while beans and lentils rise to the top.
Edit: Why is this getting heavily down-voted without any reply?
I didn’t collapse or uncollapse anything on the page before taking the screenshot. On loading, all the spam sections are uncollapsed, and the “specifications” section is collapsed.
The “specifications” section is a collapsed section about a quarter of the way down. It starts out collapsed on every page, even if you open it up every time.
Check out this screenshot from Home Depot’s website.
About 1/8 of the page is the product. Almost NONE of the page is the “specifications” section, which is the most important section.
The majority of the page is “frequently bought together”, “More from this brand”, and “Customers also viewed”.
I have NEVER bought anything from any of these useless lists. But they have slowed down the page sufficiently that I stopped using their website and went elsewhere. Try browsing with just 10 product pages open on this site – you will start having tabs unload or crash due to memory consumption. Some of these product lists have a dozen items in them if you scroll right, so it consumes gigabytes of RAM.
TLDR: They sent information through a fiber-optic cable using fewer photons per bit than before.
They only transmitted information, not any non-photon particles. They didn’t exceed the speed of light, or exceed the speed of light through fiber-optic cable.
Try going to in your web browser (replacing the 0’s with your public IP address), on your home connection. If it doesn’t work, it means that your port forwarding is probably not working. If the page loads correctly, it means your port forwarding is working correctly, and the problem is probably your ISP doing port blocking.
Yeah, this. It would be tasteful to get a gift card to any local coffee shop, or Target, or one of those $20 Visa gift cards, though they have like a $5 overhead just to activate them.
Homemade pastries are a bit weird if you don’t know someone that well, and store-bought pastries are hard if you don’t know what they like.
I can’t answer why shoulderoforion feels that way about backups. But I can answer why I feel that way about email: Google is a bigger part of people’s lives, and so is a more dangerous monopoly. Therefore, I pick Microsoft for email.
Tons of businesses have their email hosted by Microsoft or Google, and tons of individuals have their email hosted by Google. If you want to self-host email, as I used to do, you need to interoperate with both of them.
To send email to a Google-hosted domain, you have to jump through a series of increasingly obscure hoops. Not all at once – they introduce new ones once every week or month. First, it will let your email through. Then you will get rejected with a URL for a new hoop. First, getting your IP address off a “policy block list”, which is basically a preemptive spam filter for static IPs that have never sent any email. Next month, you have to do SPF. Next, DKIM. Next, you have to create a Google account, and do something with your domain while signed into that account. Next, your Google account gets banned without recourse, and you have to wait 3 months for it to be deleted to make another, and all your mail is rejected during that time.
To send email to a Microsoft a hosted domain, you have to first send email to that person, get shadowbanned by the server, verify that your mail did not end up in their inbox, nor junk directory, and then call them and ask to be whitelisted. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to do this for each domain you send to, or each email address. The method of whitelisting varies, because the error message varies. If you can’t contact a postmaster at the company, get fucked.
This is absolute monopolization. The only way to play the game is with their rented game pieces. So you have to pick one, and you pick whichever one is less dangerous.
I’m using it in a business setting, and hate it. Our company has lost about a thousand hours of work from OneDrive corrupting git repos. Everyone at the company is aware that you must NEVER allow OneDrive to touch a git repo, but OneDrive keeps adding directories without consent or notification, so people’s git repos keep getting corrupted.
Maybe it’s the IT department, or maybe Onedrive just sucks.
As far as I’m aware, Trump plans to remove all immigrants, whether documented or not, and even green card holders. I don’t think he will have much luck with it, but maybe I’m wrong.
Start applying for jobs outside the US. Finding a job is usually the longest part of moving.
You may want to try applying for citizenship at the same time, assuming you even want to stay for 2025-2028.
I’m speaking as a US citizen whose life would be improved by your presence in the US.
Consider whether you want just Chinese numerals, or also Arabic (normal) numerals in the corner.
Consider which style of mahjong it will be used for. Depending on the style, there are different numbers of total tiles included in the set.
The feel of the tiles might matter to you, but unfortunately that may be difficult to judge when buying online.
I just hope federal services (like applying for a passport) don’t become Twitter-only after Trump appoints Elon as Secretary of Enshittification.
In my system, the raid arrays seem to do periodic data scrubbing automatically. Maybe it’s something that’s part of Debian, or maybe it’s just a default kernel setting. I don’t think it helps much with data integrity – I think it helps more just by ensuring the continued functionality of the drives.
When it’s running, you can type cat /proc/mdstat
to see the progress.
That command will also show you if there is a failing drive, so that you can replace it.
Just about anything. IRC, XMPP, Discord, whatever you call the chat built into Steam. AIM is discontinued now, but it used to be better than Teams is today.
The Logitech F310 (wired) and F710 (wireless) are ok. The F710 has a big 2xAA battery compartment which is uncomfortable for some.
Save your receipt, because Logitech’s warranty is better than their construction. I destroyed my first F710’s control pad on my second play of Crosscode, but they sent me a new one.
Do not use either one to operate a manned submarine.