Amazon is dead. All the products are cheap, questionably-manufactured crap.
Amazon is dead. All the products are cheap, questionably-manufactured crap.
Amazing game. Perfectly executed. This is an excellent detail and a testament to the care that went into this game.
Oh it can be done. The only question is: is Bethesda the one to do it?
Actually that’s allowed, google en poissant.
Fuck off troll, no one is buying your obvious bullshit.
Go to therapy
That’s not shitposting, that’s trolling.
Shitposting is stupid/funny, not inflammatory.
^ shitpost
Or anything other than cotton-poly tshirts from target.
You can really tell who in this thread has never had to dress professionally or formally.
So your clothes are wrinkled and old? Yikes.
Maybe english is their second language. (Copium)
They are, but your spelling is embarrassing.
Keep telling yourself that, wrinkles.
Bragging about wasting a perfectly good tool (and a gift) that you were too stupid to figure out how to use. Then, to mask your embarrassment, you try to put blame onto those who do understand the purpose of an iron.
Grow up.
OP casually admitting his clothes look like shit, or he dresses like a toddler.
I’m sure once you graduate high school you’ll find opportunities to use a clothes iron, in the meantime stop pretending you’re a millennial.
Thank you! It seems like every developer or TV producer is shoehorning awkward sex scenes and romance into every piece of media being produced. It’s like the people in charge don’t realize porn exists, and think their viewers desperately need to be able to jerk off to whatever media they’re consuming at any given time. It’s pathetic. A creator should be able to create something without it turning into porn.
Go outside.
Strong Poindexter energy