I do not understand what Sony and Nintendo have against their own fans. I know that Japanese companies generally only give a shit about Japan, but come on guys. The majority of your fans are all over the globe.
Can’t stand the left. Can’t stand the right.
Stuck here in the middle with you.
I do not understand what Sony and Nintendo have against their own fans. I know that Japanese companies generally only give a shit about Japan, but come on guys. The majority of your fans are all over the globe.
It has barely rained around me this winter. I’m sure this won’t bite us in the ass later this year when it’s 107 and the state is burning again.
I apologizing for assuming. You said something along the lines of “nobody would jump be just because I’m a man” which tells me you haven’t been assaulted by random guys before in your life. They absolutely will jump you for no reason regardless of your gender. I posted those exact statistics in my first comment.
And the word “inferior” has a negative connotation connected to it. You usually use it to describe something that is worse in every way. For example: “I only use zip lock bags because other plastic resealable bag brands are all inferior”.
Your comment about your girlfriend taken at face value came across very sexist. Which is all we can do without knowing someone, how was I supposed to know English is your second language? You use better punctuation than me and it’s the only language I know lol.
It’s a reference to the statistics that despite the fact that blacks only make up 13% of the US population they are responsible for 50% of the overall crime.
“Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.”
While the statistics themselves are accurate they are far from explaining the whole situation.
Clearly you’ve never been jumped lol. It’ll give you a whole new perspective on the world and walking around alone as a guy.
I find it gross that you referred to your own girlfriend as “physically inferior”. I think the better term is physically at a disadvantage.
It’s like trying to enter a Costco without a membership. If they catch you they are gonna kick you out. Back to where you came from.
The legal immigration process takes time and if we just made them citizens when we caught them that would reward people for skipping the process. Not exactly a punishment. We
It’s obviously much more complicated than that, but that’s a simple way to look at it.
What and guys aren’t worried about being murdered by other dudes at night? Lol
Statistically men are more likely to be attacked, robbed, sexually assaulted (in a public institution) and shot than women.
Men are more likely to be murdered in general.
Violent crimes happen to men more than women on average.
I am a HUGE advocate for women staying safe. I think more women need to purchase and properly learn how to use a personal high speed lead slinging device.
HOWEVER I do not care for this claim that women are always the victims. Statistically they aren’t more frequently attacked or murdered. In fact they are slightly less likely to be victims. Bad people are gonna do bad things and everyone should learn to protect themselves against those bad people.
DOUBLE HOWEVER Men are overwhelming the perpetrator of violent crimes against everyone. More than 75% of violent crimes is committed by men.
At the end of the day everyone should stay safe. Keep your head on a swivel. Obtain and learn how to use a personal defense tool. Be smart.
Been there. Not into that kinda stuff personally but I didn’t find it turned me off massively. Probably because we were in the shower and she immediately jumped my bones after I did it.
If she had asked in the bedroom I would have been more hesitant. Big mess n all that.
Yeah it won’t answer for any alive current political figures. Meh.
In my lifetime I got to watch it go from just being able to walk into any place and ask if they were hiring and you might talk to a manager and hand them your resume to 100% online and you are automatically rejected the millisecond you hit send on the application.
I think this has to do more with the popular vote going to Trump than anything Trump did specifically. They all collectively shat on him or didn’t interact with him from 2016 and all through Bidens presidency.
They saw that public opinions has shifted so badly that Trump swept everything and won the popular vote. Suddenly they are all his best friend.
They never cared. They just want to be in the “side” more people like. you’re forgetting that money/power is what drives these people. They saw more money in power in bashing Trump or siding with the Democrats until the 2024 election happened. Now they feel they can get more money and power by siding with Trump.
Rock-a-doodle FUCKS. Honestly the movie has no right to be shown to children at any point but I have nothing but fond memories of it.
Elvis rooster is not even the top 3 wildest things in that movie.
Combination of spam callers being more prevalent and the younger generation has unbelievably high social anxiety as a direct result of them mostly being raised indoors and alone with family.
I’m not saying that the way we older folks grew up was inherently better at all times, but it certainly forced us to converse with strangers and develop those skills.
My little twin brothers and my little sister were actually afraid to call a pizza place and order pizza when they were younger. They still don’t really do phone calls aside from work related things or direct family.
I dated one for over a year. Mentally unstable that lot. I think the whole time she was introducing me to people I only met like two vegans that I would have considered mentally sound.
Watch out the one vegan with the finger strength left to press the downvote button is gonna come for you.
Yes and no. It depends on what material you are specifically looking for.
For the grand majority of materials needed in an ICE vehicle we have had “ethical” sources for everything for awhile now. Which makes sense the industry has had 100 years to clean up its image as much as they cared to.
The materials needed specifically for large lithium batteries are still currently gathered primally in places where human rights aren’t even considered. People are working on getting that changed, but last time I checked it was still really bad.
While there is no hard rules involved with the word “slightly” when used to describe a change in percentage it is generally used for changes of 5% or less.
Yes this is getting pedantic about the English language but a 20% change would be more accurately referred to as a “moderate” change.
And you are absolutely correct ICE engines are always less thermally efficient than EVs. Your average standard gasoline engine these days is somewhere in the ballpark of ~25% efficient. Some of the more efficient diesel ICEs are up to 50% efficient these days. EVs tend to be around ~90% thermally efficient.
Also it’s not a 20% loss at 0°C. It’s closer to 50%. Which would be most accurately described as a “significant” loss of efficiency.
Even AAA did research that shows it’s anywhere from 10% loss in range to 40% loss as you get colder and colder.
Hey super genius if your have a car that only has batteries inside it as an energy source what do you use to heat up the batteries so the batteries are working inside their correct temperature range? The batteries. Which are cold because you parked it outside in a place that averages close to zero degrees depending on the region and time of year. Sure if you park it in your heated garage and then park it at work at a heated garage and you only ever drive it between those locations the cold will basically hit matter but if you ever leave the car anywhere that it will drop down to ambient outside temps then it will be causing damage to the batteries when they use their own cold juices to get warmed up enough to do their job right.
I know that when charging they will sip power to heat the batteries to the proper temperature for charging (and they heat up a tad naturally when charged), but anyone who isn’t always charging it while parked or leaving inside a heated garage that will not be the case.
Brother what are you talking about. I said they function in the cold. They don’t work well in the cold. They have recommended temperature ranges for a reason. I am simply pointing out the significant hit to battery performance and lifespan that the deep cold adds.
I havent posted any “misinformation”. You can literally verify every statement I’ve made with a number of scientific papers and studies on the effects of temperature and batteries. We have known they don’t work well in the cold for years. I have had to stick an untold number of cellphones into my inner layer pants pockets to prevent them from completely shutting off or refusing to charge because they got way too cold to safely operate.
By owning and driving fully electric cars in the significant cold they are absolutely lowering of the lifespan of those batteries meaning they need to be replaced more often. The batteries are far and away the biggest source of pollution in an EV.
You can call me names and whatever else you want but at least be scientifically accurate.
Almost certainly.
Unfortunately it’s very difficult to pull apart big data sets accurately. It’s difficult to pin down what murders are for sure gang related and which ones aren’t. Obviously there are some situations where it’s very clear, but some where it is not. Where you draw that line changes things significantly.