I really don’t understand why so many advocate for Linux, FOSS, and an overall open web while actively making Linux and other free software as complicated and “tech-y” as possible.
If Linux isn’t growing, what’s the point? If it remains stagnant, its getting closer to fading away. We’ve seen the impact of Linux becoming more mainstream and known to the general public through the Steam Deck, and it has done wonders for the platform. Why do people actively not want it to grow?
Helping it grow doesn’t mean being annoying like Edge pop-ups, simply throwing out suggestions to try easy-to-use distros here and there. And let’s be honest, the average internet user can use an easy distro like Ubuntu or Mint proficiently after 20-30 minutes of playing around with it. We need to make it seem accessible so that more people will actually be interested in the first place.
Really happy to see a post being made about this.
You know, I’d feel happy about this but I hear a voice from the back of my head telling me “You know this driver isn’t coming out for the next 20 years.”
But seriously, I think its cool to see Nvidia actually making strides towards an open source driver (if they are actually serious about it, which I’m still skeptical about for no reason in particular beyond past history).