Here’s a sample, but there are numerous open source scripts, depending on what you want, on git: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/arr-scripts
Here’s a sample, but there are numerous open source scripts, depending on what you want, on git: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/arr-scripts
A simple web search reveals 3 such open-source scripts as the first results. Here’s one: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/arr-scripts
*Arr Suite, QBT, and a Jellyfin Server. Done and done. There are scripts to set it all up in less than 30 seconds…
All I can think of is Russia. Definitely Russia.
This. Not to mention, there are a million Nvidia P4s on Ebay for cheap after everyone dismantled their old mining rigs. Also, they’re low-pro cards not any longer than an ITX motherboard.
Fist-Bump Met my wife in 8th Grade. Got married at 21. Just celebrated our 28th anniversary. I think if the trust, loyalty and love is there, you’ll know. Neither of us had a doubt about each other, and we’re best friends.
Note: We did take a year or so off around 18-19, too get ‘it’ out of our systems.
Undead Zombies? No. I’m no virologist, but I’ve read about a Rabies variety, or certain fungal infections. Fiction-wise, World War Z, or 28 Days type “zombies”, where the body is very much functioning, but the brain has been hijacked…
Pretty sure he’s been 83 since the 1980s. I could be wrong though.
I honestly don’t care what people are into, but this game is a bit intense, sexually. I’m just trying to get my RPG fix, and all the characters constantly wanna bang my ass, when all I want is to be their Homie…
Awaiting answers for the same question!
Last I read, current solar panels were only about 8% efficient. That number would skyrocket…
This. We used a friend’s address in a different city and area (very upper class) with top rated schools, to send our children. As the Schools in our area were quite bad. We lived in a middle class neighborhood too. The difference was night and day…
I will have no problem throwing money their way. I’m not stingy when it comes to a service I use. Especially when it’s done out of passion, and those involved are dumping their free time and personal income into it, without expected returns. Anything FOSS falls into that category. I donate to my Torrent site, my Linux Distro’s developers, etc. Someday, when I win the Lottery, I’ll drop them all bags of money. Until then, I’ll throw you guys (lemmy.world) what I can…
Been using SoulSeek around 10 years. I’ve never had trouble finding what I’m looking for, a lot of it very obscure. Previous to the interwebs, I always had to special order CDs from England…
I have 2 young adult children (20’s), and in retrospect I can see a few things we could have done better, but otherwise kept them safe, healthy, and I personally always pushed for them to be independent. I’m of the belief that there is no perfect way to raise a child. You can follow every line of wisdom, and still not get the results that were supposed to be the outcome of said wisdom.
I also firmly believe that our environment is extremely toxic. Both socially and literally. Short of raising children 1000 miles from a city, perhaps a farm in the middle of no where, there is very few options for a healthier environment. Unless you are inherently wealthy, or grew up in a place similar, and are able to pass that lifestyle down…
Garuuuuuda. Love it. Been running it for the past few years. The devs come off as assholes, but they’re actually just German;)