Found the hipster
Edit: oh wow so sowwy to make a joke on this wewy sewiows diwscuwswion
Found the hipster
Edit: oh wow so sowwy to make a joke on this wewy sewiows diwscuwswion
No no no, its an Advent Calendar
Fucking moderates want to campaign on progressive values so they need to move everyone else further right so they seem progressive in comparison.
Oh I made that decision when they tried to replace the screws on my recalled rizer cable instead of replacing the whole unit on a $500 pc case. Get fucked nzxt
Broprah, that’s good 😂
Mercedes does that too with all their new electric buttplug shaped cars
Closed as duplicate
Musk sucks but this lawsuit is bullshit, “no you can’t have a picture of a guy in a trenchcoat with a sandstorm in the distance, we completely own that idea.”
Im just commenting to say every moment I have spent in rimworld has been an unfulfilling waste of my life. Ymmv
Edit: y’all no fun
Yea infinite was strange because the whole thing was like a prologue
343 just sucks at making good halo stories, great gameplay (on infinite atleast), but they just don’t know where to take the story. I was disappointed in 4 skipped 5 and infinite was another halfbaked story that just felt empty.
Realtors are fucking useless, they provide none of the information you actually need but you have to go through them to figure out what the deal is with a space.
Personally I think the most insulting part is the price.
They make them big to try to justify it, but its still a bullshit high profit margin food.
I think people just like them because they are very fresh. Most places just sell you some cookie in a box made a couple weeks ago in a factory somewhere by robots so it is marginally better than that in theory.
I hate crumble cookies as well. Weak unsatisfying texture, and way too sweet before they even add all that syrup shit. Also they’re too big, I take like one bite and the sweetness is already unbearable.
Combat sucked and you had to spend way too long in the garbage ass inventory/ menus which just ruined the immersion. Im passing on Bethesda games until they fix that dumb shit, but I don’t think they will anytime soon. All of their games seem like a soulless copy-paste the theme into the same boring engine.
Ah my roommate in college
Funny thing is i just installed linux on it and was able to get some more life out of it as a monitor on my exercise bike. Microsoft just immediately threw in the towel on it and told me to buy another one 🤣
I think its sufficient to say police cant be trusted