Ask the waiter?
Ask the waiter?
My father bought a family pc for 1500ish euros (or equal to that amount) vack in… 1990 or something. With a 386 cpu.
It was great. Though im not sure if the inflation is equal, in my country
Firefox on android already has ublock origin available
10ish minutes. Less if im tired. Never if im not tired.
So you mean Librewolf
Jun’s kitchen
Omg claire got her own channel!! Thanks for the link
Tits are free, on the internet
A lot of places need those metal rods
Complain to the owner of the parking lot. Whoever they are. Public or private.
Utorrent?? Lol
Fuuuuuunk… sooooouuuuull… broooooothheeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!
It slows down in the song. So its easy to hear.
Personally i dont care, really.
When i die im dead, so i will stop giving fucks.
I dont care what happens to my body
I dont care what happens to my stuff
Just make sure im dead
I think the joke is… chile is a long narrow country like this home
But… op asked for “good” movies.
Tenet is terrible.
I feel so sorry for anyone whos gonna live near that thing
At full speed those trains sound like a formula 1 track during a race. (And thats before they went from V8s to V6s
East ukraine?
I have. Once.
A friend of mine added all the garlic he had into a sauce.
The whole place was garliccy for a few days and the sauce was like liquid garlic…
It was bad. But it was way too much