Top 5 marketing tactics EVERYONE hates. You won’t BELIEVE number three.
Top 5 marketing tactics EVERYONE hates. You won’t BELIEVE number three.
Time to translate those surrender instruction leaflets to Korean. Maybe go ahead and plan to build a large camp for malnourished people.
US, Egypt, Qatar, and every sane nation: Let’s end this war now.
Hamas: We’ll give Israel everything they want if they will end the war.
Israel: Fuck you. Give us everything we want, and we’ll still kill you all.
US and Israel: We’re not sure why Hamas is being so unreasonable, but it looks like no ceasefire.
Try Again
Given Russia’s performance in Ukraine, Iran firing 5% of its total stockpile at Israel and having almost nothing get through modern American air defense, and China’s own review of military readiness that showed glaring flaws and corruption, any plans China may have had to invade Taiwan should be postponed indefinitely.
Turning local elections in Taiwan in China’s favor in the long term seems like the more viable alternative for reunification.
Often caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals, which can be corrected with medicine.
Get diagnosed and take your meds. It’s a world of difference.
HBIC (Head Bee In Charge)
Fully Suicidal Driving is right there. You don’t even have to change the initials.
The global wealthy elite being pedophiles conspiracy is unthinkably evil. It’s also unfortunately true. Epstein’s island proved it.
Tech company creates best search engine —-> world domination —> becomes VC company in tech trench coat —-> destroy search engine to prop up bad investments in artificial intelligence advanced chatbots
Billions and billions invested to produce accuracy slightly less than flipping a coin.
The problem with peaceful protests is that they attract violent people who attack them. So, TPTB ban the peaceful protestors.
What happens if a select few of the peaceful protestors happened to be armed in places where doing so publicly is legal? The peaceful protestors are protected from violence by a select few exercising their second amendment right to bear arms. Pretty hard to ban those peaceful protestors.
Works on my machine.
Good thing Amazon bought WaPo to protect journalism from the predatory practices of capitalism. Surely, that was their only motive.
At first, they denied it—“OpenAI chief technology officer Mira Murati said the company did not pattern any ChatGPT voices on Johansson’s sultry computer voice in the movie,” but Altman and other OpenAI guys had let the cat out the bag on Twitter
They’re not just deliberately using her voice; they’re deliberately lying about it and bragging about what really happened in public. They’ll pay some nuisance settlement that’s a small fraction of their profit.
That’s how they treat an a list actress. Imagine how they treat everyone else. You don’t get a settlement. You just get fucked.
They would have won even more championships if Shaq hadn’t insisted on eating non-halal meat during team meetings. You could cut the tension with a knife.
Would you agree that Bobby Kennedy would draw more voters from Trump as it stands?
A “conspiracy theorist” is rejected on the left until government-sanctioned evidence is provided. The right doesn’t have that constraint.
Does everyone hate Bobby Kennedy so much that they’ll side with Facebook and Zuckerberg over a career environmental attorney because he’s running for president?
The orange tag says “FUCK YOU” with no further elaboration.
Now they can get back to murdering journalists with impunity.