More than 52% of British people in 2016 and still more than many now, I bet. I always supported Remain but before I voted I wanted to do my due diligence and re-evaluate. It took googling “brexit pros and cons” and all of 5 minutes reading a BBC infographic to confirm that basically everything the leave campaign said was completely and utterly wrong.
The fact that most people still voted for it despite the obvious lies was way more disappointing to me than the racism. Back then I thought better of people.
Yes! I really tried to explain this to people. One guy I saw on the news said he was voting Brexit to “get the Muslims out,” apparently completely unaware of how batshit insane it is to leave the European Union to reduce the number of non European people in Britain.
Yeah it fucking sucks. I left before the official Brexit date, in a year or two I will hopefully have an EU citizenship again. Most of my friends couldn’t have really done that so easily